Diners and Popcorn

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It's been awhile, hasn't it? Sorry about that, I had jaw surgery so I've been out of commission for a little while. And on top of that, I made this chapter super long. And I know that I promised some Destiel for the past couple of chapters, so I'm adding a whole bunch toward the middle/end of this chapter. So, have fun reading and please don't forget to vote and tell your friends! Bye guys. -------

Dean POV

"Order up!" The head (and only) chef Kendall called from the kitchen.

"Hey! Pretty boy!" Jo shouted from a table she was cleaning. I laughed at her nickname for me and turned toward her. "Take that to table 6 for me please?" I nodded and grabbed the order to bring to table 6.

"Whatssup bitches?" I heard Charlie greet Sam and Jo from the other side of the restaurant. That's always what she says, some things never change.

"Enjoy." I told the young couple that was sitting at table six as I set down a grilled cheese and a triple bacon burger before heading back out front.

"Hey, Charlie. Hey, Kevin. You can just pick any table today." Jo told them as she went into the back room to clock out. They both nodded and hopped into one of the booths that was big enough for the whole group, plus a few.

"Dean." I heard Sam call my name. I scanned the room and noticed him squatting behind the bar, pointing at something.

"What's going on?" I asked Sam walking to the bar and peering over it. Sam held a finger up to his lip motioning for me to be quiet. I snuck behind the bar and noticed a sleeping Ash on the floor. Ash is the type of kid that would sleep on the job, he's the laziest person I know. Don't get me wrong, the kid's great, one of my closest friends, but that kid doesn't do anything.

"I'm going wake him up." Sam told me before reaching for Ash's shoulder. I grabbed his arm to tell him to stop because I have other plans.

"Ask Kendall for the whipped cream." I whispered to Sam. He immediately sprang up to go do it, I've never seen Sam so eager to prank before. Usually he's reluctant to do it. Sam tossed it down to me and I sprayed some on Ash's face and his palm. "Now wake him up." Sam tapped Ash's shoulder causing Ash to jump awake in fright.

"Why am I under a bar?" He groggily asked as he wiped his face with the whipped creamed hand.

"We don't know." Sam stated trying to hold back his laughter. Ash nodded and got up to find our friends.

"Ash? What happened to you?" Charlie said with a laugh. Ash gave her a confused look and took a seat next to Kevin.

"What's up with the whipped cream dude?" Kevin asked him. Ash glanced at his hand then shot up out of his seat.

"I got Winchestered. Sam! Dean! I'm coming for you!" He shouted before taking off toward the bar we're under leaving Charlie and Kevin laughing in his wake.

"Go, Sam, go. To the back." I told him before we sprang up and ran toward the back room. We turned the corner fast, knowing that Ash was right on our tails, running straight into Ellen. The owner of the Roadhouse.

"Why are you boys running?" She asked with hands on her hips as Sam and I regained our balance.

"We pranked Ash." Sam admitted. She pushed it aside with only a small laugh and a 'kids will be kids' comment.

"Where are you going all dolled up?" She was in a black dress, black ballet flats and her hair was in a stylish bun. And was that makeup on her face? Ellen doesn't do this type of stuff, it just doesn't seem like her.

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