Scrapbooks and Wedding Bells

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Nine Years Later

***Dean POV***

"Are you ready for this, Dean?" Sam asked, placing one hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head as we both stared into the mirror at my suit. I took in a deep breath and then we walked out of the room, my nerves growing with every step.

"I'm so proud of you, Dean." Bobby told me with tears in his eyes once he meant us in the hallway.

"Thanks, Bobby." I pulled him for a hug as tears filled my eyes.

"Dean, everyone's seated. It's time." Our wedding planner, Corinne, came in and announced. I let go of Bobby and stood there, my legs not functioning.

"Come on, Dean. It's gonna be alright." Sam said, slapping a hand on my back. I smiled at him shook my head to clear it. Today is a happy day, it's the day I'm marrying my first and only true love.
****Castiel POV****

I stare at myself in the mirror, wondering if it's all a dream. There's no way I could be this happy, I didn't think it was possible to be this happy.

"Castiel?" Corrine, my wedding planner, said from outside the door.

"Come in." I told her, straightening my blue tie, the same tie I've worn on every formal date for years. I was going to wear something special today but Dean told me he loved the tie, so I decided not to change things. The door opened and shut behind her as she walked into the room.

"You look so handsome. I came in to tell you that everyone is seated and waiting for the ceremony, Castiel." I took in a deep breath and stiffened. It's finally here. I'm finally going to marry Dean. The love of my life.

"Are Mike and Luci in the hallway like they said they would be?" Corrine nodded her head yes and I beamed from ear to ear. They were to be my groomsmen today and Gabriel was my best man.

With one last look in the mirror, I straightened my suit, took a deep breath and walked out of the door towards the man I am going to marry.
***Lucifer POV***

"You may now kiss the groom." The priest said, closing his bible in front of him as Dean and Castiel kissed. "May I now present to you Mr. and Mr. Novak!" Dean and Castiel smiled before taking each other's hands and running down the aisle.

"Dad, why did they take our last name?" Skylar---who had just celebrated her 12th birthday---asked me.

"They said it was because his name was shorter and Cas wanted to rub it in Chuck's face." Michael explained to her from next to me. Skylar laughed because she knows that Chuck would be furious to know this piece of information. Skylar only meant Chuck once, on her tenth birthday, and he rose such a fuss over her having two dads we had to call the cops to get him off our property. And file a restraining order against him.

"The reception is being held in the ballroom down the hall and to the left momentarily." The priest announced to the guests. Everyone started to get up and slowly move in the general direction of the door. It took forever but when we finally arrived we were surrounded by the smells of amazing food. There were appetizers milling all about for the guests and by the time we reached our seats, I had already had two pieces of sushi, three Swedish meatballs and one chocolate covered strawberry.

Our seats were at the table directly next to the grooms table and at our table were a few of Dean's relatives whom I had never meant and our old family cook, Anna. I hadn't seen her in years, I hadn't even realized that Castiel was in contact with her.

"Anna?" I asked her as I sat down. She looked up from her plate at me and her face instantly lit up.

"Mikey! I haven't seen you in ages!" She exclaimed, getting up to give me a hug. After a few seconds, she let go and say back down in her seat. "So, how have you been?" Anna asked me, her slightly wrinkled hands extending out towards mine. 

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