Kisses and Snitches

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Gabriel POV

"Hey, Moose, blueberries or grapes?" I call from the kitchen. Sam walks up behind me and wraps me up in a hug, startling me so much I dropped all the blueberries that were in my hands into the floor. "Sam! I didn't know you were there!" I pushed his chest away, but he just kept hugging me and wouldn't let go.

"I'm sorry, Gabriel. I'll pick those up later." He snuggled his head into the crease between my shoulder and my neck.

"I don't want to get in trouble with Bobby and Ellen." I pull out of his grasp, not without some complaint by Sam though, and bend down to pick up all the blueberries.

"Okay, I guess I'll help." Sam whined and got his tall frame down to the ground with me.

We had all of the blueberries picked up and were sitting in the dining room eating grapes within a minute.

"Now was that so hard?" I asked Sam as I ate a grape out of the bowl.

"It was. It was like so much work. I think I used a muscle for you." Sam whined. I smiled and leaned over the table to kiss him, but he stayed leaned back and wouldn't let me.

"Come on, Sammy." I teased, leaning over more. "These lips won't wait forever."

"Fine then. Cause these won't either." He replied putting his hands on his hips, trying his best to look sassy but it just turned out looking adorable.

"Well, I'll just have to come to you then." I shot up out of my chair and ran over to where Sam was sitting to give him a kiss.

Sam surprised me because before I could even lean forward, he leaned into me and kissed me. I kissed back after a moment of surprise, wrapping my hands around his head pulling him in closer. He broke off the kiss but my lips still felt like they were kissing him. I longed for more but when I looked back at Sam, he had already shoved four grapes in his mouth.

"Really, Sam?" I asked to which he just smiled a huge smile with grape guts coming out of his teeth, oozing liquid everywhere.

I rolled my eyes and walked back over to my side of the table and grabbed my bowl of grapes.

"Hey, Sam. Open." I said, squinting one eye to get a better aim. "Wider. Wider." Sam opened his mouth as far as he could make it, once he swallowed the other grapes of course. I readied the grape and tossed it right into Sam's mouth perfectly. I threw my arms up in the air and leaned back in my chair having just succeeded in this game.

"Why are we so obsessed with throwing grapes at each other?" Sam asked grabbing another grape and tossing it in the air before catching it in his mouth like he's done a hundred times before.

"I don't really know." I ate a few delicious green grapes myself and propped my feet up on the chair next to me at the dining room table we were sitting at. My phone starts buzzing and when I check to see who it is, I notice my dad has called me six times since I've been over here. "Shit." I whisper before bolting upright and sprinting outside towards where Castiel is waiting in the car.

Except Castiel isn't there like he's supposed to be. He must've left for home, without me.

"Gabe!" Sam called running out of the house and towards me where I stood in the driveway. "What's wrong?"He caught up to me and bent over, out of shape from all the running. I need to get that kid into shape.

"My dad keeps calling me. I don't know why but it can't be good." I tell Sam dialing in my dad's number out of memory onto the keypad. My fingers are shaking and I have to erase what I typed six times but I finally get it in correctly and hit call. "By the way, Sam. Don't say a word, he doesn't know I'm here."

(AN: This will be Chuck; This will be Gabriel)

Hello? My throat seized up and no words were able to escape until Sam have me a little kick in the calf.

Hey, Dad. You called? My voice was weak and shaky, I thought for sure he was going to see through it.

I wanted to talk to you about football son. My heart stops. He knows, he knows I haven't went to practice.

Look, I'm sorry Dad. I just didn't know how to tell you I hate football.

You hate it? That's not what I was going to talk about. You're just like your brothers, Castiel and Micheal. You're probably messing with some boy too, aren't you? I stood frozen in my spot unable to move. I could feel the time ticking by but that didn't matter. My life was over in this moment. Sam's arms moved around my shoulders but I didn't care. Didn't even notice.

Why would you say that? I managed to get out of my mouth without sounding totally mean and obnoxious.

It's obvious all gays are like that. They don't like sports, they go behind their parents backs and they don't even care if it's a sin! All gays are going to burn in Hell!

Well at least I'll be with Sam! I snapped and hung up the phone before falling to my knees with Sam still being adorable and hugging my shoulders.

I just sat there and cried into Sam's sleeve for a long time before I got the courage to text Castiel what had happened. He responded that he was on his way back to pick me up so we could face Dad together.

"So what exactly did he say?" Sam gently asked, not wanting to rip open a fresh wound.

"He said that being gay is wrong and how I'm going to Hell and how horrid it is that I don't like playing football." I mumbled to Sam. Sam replied with pulling me closer to his chest and hugging me on my face because of the position I was sitting in.

"That's just a horrible and unfair thing to say to someone else."

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