Brothers and Monopoly

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Hey everyone, it's been a while since I've updated. Anyway, I know that I have been apologizing a lot in the last few chapters because of rarely updating and I'm going to apologize again, I am truly sorry. I have a lot on my plate right now, between cheerleading, seven clubs, a boat load of homework and lots of friend, personal and family issues, I barely have time to relax, let a lone write. This chapter took me most of my free time this past month to write, so even though it's a little weird in my opinion, I hope you like it and I will try my level best to update by next week. I'm getting a day to day planner, so that should help me manage my time and let me have more free time to write. Thank you for reading my book so far and hopefully you enjoy this chapter!

Michael POV

"Chuck did that? When I see him I'm going to punch his face in and rip his lungs out!" I screamed into the phone in frustration, shooting up from the couch where I was sitting next to my partner, Lucifer. Lucifer immeditaley stood up next to me and stared at me with curiousity and concern. I motioned for him to calm down with my hand because I knew he would practically jump on me if I let him know something was wrong.

"Mike, calm down. It's not like it's the first time he's done something like this. You probably got a lot of this when he kicked you out." Castiel responded as if it was no big news at all. I shook my head and angrily clenched my fist around the phone so hard I was afraid I might break it.

"Where are you? I'm picking you boys up and bringing you here right now." I practically ran over to the coat rack, with Lucifer acting like a lost kitten at my heels, and grabbed my keys off the key rack next to my coat.

"We're safe, Mike. We're at Sam and Dean's house with their guardians, who are not homophobic. I just wanted to talk to you and Lucifer about getting emancipated or something like that. You know, since you're lawyers and all." I sighed and put back down my keys along with my black wool coat. I relaxed my fists knowing that they are safe for the time being and rubbed my forehead tentatively with my free hand.

"First of all, only Luci's a lawyer, I'm still in college and secondly, let me put you on speaker." I say because Lucifer was practically on my shoulder trying to listen to our conversation. I moved the phone away from my ear, hitting Lucifer's nose in the process, and hit the speaker button. "Okay, Cas, tell Luci here what happened. " Both of us made our way back to the thrift store plaid couch and laid down next to each other so that I was laying flat on my back and Lucifer's head was cradled between my collar bone and my chin while he laid on his shoulder.

"Hey, Lucifer. I'm looking for some legal advice because of my dad. He told Gabe that he's going to Hell for dating his boyfriend Sam and he forbade me from seeing my boyfriend, Dean, and kicked me in the stomach." Castiel calmly explains as if it was something that happens every day. Lucifer was all ears when it came to this story, immediately he seemed to be itching to give advice like he always is. That man should have been a consular.

"So, you're looking to press charges?" Lucifer asks, not aware of the previous conversation. I shook my head and glanced over at him who looked as confused and cute as ever.

"No, no I'm not. Gabe and I want to get emanicapated." Lucifer shakes his head and snuggles back down into my shoulder like a little kitten and closed his eyes.

"Well, first of all, Gabriel cannot get emancipated, he's only 14, you have to be 15." I tell him laying the phone down on my chest and hugging Lucifer tightly against my side.

"Really? Well, how can we get Gabriel out of that house?" Castiel seemed defeated and I know that he must be feeling that way.

"If your Dad is that upset at Gabriel and you for being gay, then I highly doubt he would be mad if you move out." Lucifer tells him. Castiel sighed and kicked something on the other end of the line.

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