Secrets and Guards

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****Rowena POV****

I awoke to a pounding on the front door, which I tried to sleep through, thinking they would go away but to no avail. After a few minutes of pounding, I rolled out of bed and put a red, silk bathrobe on to go downstairs in.

"I'm coming. I'm coming." I called as I climbed down the stairs towards the door. The knocking only grew louder and I threw open the door to see an angry looking, black haired teenage boy on the other side. "May I help you?" I snapped, figuring that this was just another kid mad at Fergus and wanting to see him. That boy does has a lot of enemies.

"Are you Crowley's mom?" He asked, eyeing me up and down. I stared straight ahead as he did, noticing that this boy was not all angry. He was mostly hurt and scared, I've always had a skill with figuring out emotions through facial expressions.

"If you mean Fergus, then yes. Yes I am." I told him confidently, not letting him intimate me even though he was trying too.

"His name is Fergus?" He was dumbfounded and lost his guard a bit when I told him. I nodded in response and started to slowly inch the door closed, thinking he is too cowardly to try and open it back up. The boy threw a hand on the door and pushed it open a bit. I eyed him and knew something was different about him, something not like the others that come here to get to Fergus. He seems full of surprises.

"May I come in and explain what Crowley---I mean Fergus----did to my boyfriend? Why my boyfriend is in jail because of him?" I hesitated a moment before shaking my head and moving the door so that he could enter. This story is making me very curious.

"You may sit in the living room. Would you like some coffee? Tea?" I asked him, moving towards the kitchen already.

"I'm alright. Thank you." He sat down in an old armchair that was in the corner by the window.

"I'll be right back." I told him so I could go get changed. I knew that this conversation was going to lead to a chat with Fergus afterwards. The boy nodded and turned his attention to the view out of the window.

I climbed the stairs quickly and changed into a red floor length dress with flowing arms. My favorite casual gown.

"So, what's your name?" I asked as I entered the room. He turns his attention from the window to me and moved around in his chair.

"Castiel Novak." He told me. I glanced at him and let out a little snicker. This boy is brave to come here, with our families past and all.

"Well, well a Novak. You are a rare breed around here nowadays. After the falling out of your father and I, I've only seen your brother Michael---or is it Lucifer now? It sure is funny how the mighty have fallen." I chuckled a bit at the situation but Castiel seemed shocked. This seemed like a whole new bunch of information to him.

"You know my father?" He was awestruck, he could barely even form the words.

"We used to be business partners. He bought me out of my ownership of the company when we were doing poor. Then he rode the whole company to the very top." I explained to him. He awkwardly moved in his chair and absentmindedly started to rub the hood of his sweatshirt between his fingers.

"Ah. Sounds like my dad. Always doing what's best for him." His leg started to shake up and down in anger.

"So, what did Crowley do to your boyfriend?" I asked, trying to change the subject off his father.

"Well, for a few weeks now he's been torturing me and Dean. Dangling our secrets over our heads and trying to get us to break up. He's been threatening us and when Dean attacked him, him and one of his friends had us pinned to a car, he even slammed Dean's head against the car." Fury was in Castiel's voice and anger trembled through his body as he spoke. I nodded my head and tried to put my finger on what was familiar with the name Dean, then it hit me.

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