Vistors and Last Chances

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***Dean POV***

"Can you please give this letter to Cas, Sammy?" I asked Sam as he sat across from me in the visitors room. He hesitated for a second before reaching across to take the white envelope out of my jumpsuit pocket.

"What's in it? Drugs?" Sam joked but I quickly hushed him.

"You can't joke about that in here!" I snapped and sent a side glance at the guard to see if he had heard.

"Sorry, Dean. I wasn't thinking. But seriously, what's in here?" Sam looked at the letter and held it up in the dim, yellowish light to see if he could read some of the words.

"It's a letter explaining everything. From rehab to the fire, I wanted to come clean to him." Sam was surprised by this but nodded and put the letter into his inside coat pocket for safe keeping.

"Thanks, Sammy." There was an awkward silence in the room. "How is everyone? How's Gabriel?" Sam sighed and leaned back a bit in his chair.

"Gabriel and I broke up. Everyone else just misses you." Sam shot right up out of his chair, letting it clatter to the ground and started to head straight for the door, clearly no longer in the mood to talk. The guard snapped his head towards the room and started in but Sam just shook his head no and started towards the door himself.

"Sam! Sammy, please come back!" I called out to him and he stopped just inches from the door of the small interview room and turned around. Tears were streaming down his face and he just looked broken. It was a complete 180 from the Sam I was just talking too.

"It's only been two weeks since you've been in here and my whole life has changed, Dean." He paused for a moment to wipe tears off his face. "Gabriel broke up with me and I don't know why. You're in here, I'm watching Castiel go into a downwards spiral. Even Bobby and Ellen are talking in hushed tones because they don't want me to know they are talking about your trial!" His voice grew louder and louder as he continued with his sentence and I wanted nothing more than to reach out and hug him, tell him everything would be okay, but I'm strapped to this table. I can't even move my hands let alone hug my little brother.

"Everything will get better, Sammy. I'll be out of here soon, I'll talk to Gabriel and figure out why he broke up with you and Bobby and Ellen will stop whispering." I assured him but he just shook his head and turned around to leave. "I love you, Sammy." I told him. He looked back at me as the guard opened the door and he weakly smiled.

"I love you too, Dean." Then he was escorted away as I sat in the room stunned over what just happened.

The sun blinded me as I left the jail where Dean was being held. I lifted my arm up to block the sunlight and a guard opened the gate for me to walk away free. The dreary prison yard melted into the bustling sidewalk of downtown and people just walked past me, without knowing any of my problems. Not knowing anything I'm going through right now.

"Sir? Sir, are you alright?" A man standing on the street corner begging for money asked me as I past him.

"I'm perfect." I told him with a fake smile. He sympathetically smiled back and gave me a look of pity, knowing that I was lying. I reached into my pocket and found a few crumpled dollar bills in my pocket that I placed in his hand.

"Thank you so much kind sir." He rejoiced and I quickly nodded before starting my journey back home again. If I even knew where home was anymore.

A familiar dark figure ran in front of me and into an alley way next to a Chinese restaurant and a Planet Fitness. My gaze followed them into the alley where they were standing about halfway down staring out at the passerby's. I don't know why, but my feet compelled me to walk into that alley after them.

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