Boxes and Break Downs

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Castiel POV

It was weeks before I saw Dean again. Every class we had together, he'd skip. If I caught a glimpse of him in the hallway at school he would turn the other way and run. He even stopped coming to Charlie's house for movies and he took a job in the kitchen at the diner. After two weeks of this I gave up. I'll never have Dean Winchester because he doesn't want me.

Sam and Gabriel on the other hand couldn't be doing better. They've been hanging out at the diner every Tuesday while Gabriel's supposed to be at football practice, I advised Gabriel not to since our dad has never missed a high school football game but he insisted. Something about it being the only time Dean could give Sam a ride to the diner. He'd taken up another job recently, what it is Sam doesn't even know, but why should I care? He doesn't care about me.

"See ya at school, Sammy." Gabriel told Sam before kissing his cheek snapping me back to the present. A little bit of envy crept up inside me but I squashed it like a bug. I won't get Dean back just by being jealous of our brothers.

"Bye, Gabriel." I opened the door from where I was standing right in front of it and Gabriel began to walk out with me. "Wait, Gabriel. Did you ask Castiel?" Sam shouted as he ran towards us.

"Ask me about what?" I questioned, shutting the door and coming back into the restaurant.

"Helping me move in to Bobby and Ellen's place tomorrow. Ellen's insisting that Dean and I need to live with our guardian. I'm happy about it, I finally get my own room!" Sam exclaimed excitedly as I kicked the door frame behind me when he said Dean's name. I shoved my hands into my pockets and rocked back and forth on my feet trying to cover up what I did.

"I'm cool with driving Gabriel over. What time?" I asked fixing my shoe that had started to fall off my foot.

"Just after school. Dean's actually working so is it okay if you pick us both up and then swing by the motel room before heading over to Bobby's?" I nodded since it seemed doable. Sam's practically a brother so it doesn't bother me driving him around.

"See ya tomorrow, Sammy." And with that we left the diner behind us.

"Dean? Are you ready yet?" I called up into the broken down treehouse on the edge of the park. My dad, Dean and I built this years ago and now Dean is rebuilding it for Castiel and himself.

"Give me a minute." I heard something crash up in the treehouse and a string of curse words muttered from Dean.

"Need some help?" I called again, getting ready to climb up the ladder.

"Nah. I'll pick it up when I come up later." With that Dean slid down the ladder, not even bothering with the steps and wiped his hands on his pants which were already stained beyond recognition, much like his once white  shirt.

"You look like crap Dean. When was the last time you slept?" I asked, grabbing his book bag from the ground and starting to walk towards the Impala that was pulled off behind the treehouse blaring heavy metal music.

"Last night. Now, how was your date?" Dean's always quick to change the subject when it comes to his well being. I rolled my eyes, completely done with him not putting himself first.

"ENOUGH!" I screamed catching Dean off guard  and making him stumble backwards towards the treehouse. "I'm sick of you putting in so much work on this treehouse! You haven't even talked to Cas in weeks! He's given up on you Dean! Given up!" I yelled at him throwing our bags to the ground and stepping towards him. He stared at me like a deer caught in headlights before glancing down at his feet.

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