Ice Skates and Snow Days

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I woke up  to the phone blaring out it's tune at six in the morning. I groggily pick up the phone next to me on the side table next to the couch.

"Hello?" I mutter a little too loudly, both Skye and Gabriel's eyes flutter open and Gabriel hit my foot with his to tell me to go back to sleep.

"Hello. This is the Ark Well High School calling to inform you that all classes scehduled for today have been cancelled along with all afterschool activities which include: this weekend's production of Suessical the Musical, the Moose Trackers club meeting, Zombie Survival club preparedness drill, the Yodelers of America competi--" I hung up the phone and fell on top of Gabriel who stupidly decided to sleep on the floor right next tot he couch I was sleeping on.

"NOOOOOO SCHOOOOOOOOOL!" It was like a switch was flipped, everyone bursted awake and started to yell with me. Soon the entire house was engulfed in the sound of luaghter and yells. I was twirling Skylar around the room when Dean and Castiel came barreling down the stairs like elephants in a stampede.

"What are we going to do today?" Castiel asked with a huge smile, sitting down on the couch where I was just sleeping.

"We could head to the park." Gabriel suggested, finally getting up from the hard wood floors I'm surprised he slept on. 

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." Mike told everyone as Lucifer and him came walking down the stairs hand in hand. "and you could help us with a couple of things, including house hunting today." Mike announced to us all and ever fashionable Castiel practically jumped out of his socks when he heard the news.

"Well, as you probably know, eye for design Cas over here would love to help." Dean sat down next to Castiel and fixed his blue bowtie that was a little off center. Castiel smiled, always appreciating the help and leaned his head against Dean's sholulder.

"I do have so many ideas honestly. I'm just more interested in picking out furniture and designing my new room to be honest."

"Who ever said you were getting a room?" Lucifer asked placing his hands on his hips.

"Well I thought that you were taking in Gabe and I." Mike and Lucifer looked at each other and seemed to do some sort of secret communication through facial expressions. They turned back towards us after it seemed Mike won the agurement they were having and looked at us with huge fake smiles on their faces.

"Well, we are but you ruined our big announcement by being so smart." Mike pouted and retended to cry into Lucifer's arm causng Skylar to run over and give his leg a huge bear hug.

"It's okay, Daddy. Don't cry." She sweetly told him. He stopped his fake crying and picked her up off the ground and gave her a big hug.

"Thank you sweetheart, you made it all better." She smiled a wide toothed smile and Mike rested her against his hip.

"Seriously though, you're really taking us in?" Gabe asked dumbfounded. Everyone nodded.  "I thought I was going to have to hide here forever."

"No need for that. Chuck's on a business trip and Mom's at her fancy yoga retreat in Tampa this week, so we should be okay to get your stuff from the house."

"Thank you, Mike and Lucifer. I have no idea how to repay you."

"Just having you safe is payment enough." Mike cheesily said with a huge smile. Lucifer slugged his arm and shook his head at his comment.

"Wanna get going to the park? The roads don't seem too bad." I asked, peeking out the window towards the roads.

"I have no idea why they closed down the school. The roads are 100% fine." Ellen called from the kitchen, making a new pot of coffee. She walked into the room and stood next to me to check the roads.

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