Dares and Rooftops

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Hello people who are reading my story. I'm sorry for being irregular at updating, it's just that I don't have time or the attention span to write chapters quickly. It takes me forever to write and for that I am truly sorry. It also took a while with this one cause I got really bad ideas, I mean I spent an hour writing a part where Gabriel and Sam got hit by a car. It didn't work whatsoever, and that's just one of my horrible ideas that I take forever to write. So sorry if it's shitty but I wanted to write something for y'alls. Enjoy!


"Sammy." I hear Gabriel whisper. "Saaaammy." He impatiently starts to shake me around a little bit. I continue to keep my eyes close but Gabriel won't take sleep as an answer. "Sam. Wake. Up. Wake. Up. Wake. Up." Gabriel in that moment became like a little kid jumping up and down after every single word.

"Okay. I'm up. I'm up." I tell him rubbing the sleep from my eyes. He quickly grabs my hand and yanks me off the couch, quietly pulling me through a maze of sleeping bodies that littered the floor. He continued to drag me all the way out the front door and onto the front porch. "Why are we out here, Gabriel?" I asked him as he hopped onto the railing of the covered porch.

"I always watch the sunrise and I wanted to watch it with you today." He grinned at me as he shimmied his way up the post supporting the roof and launched himself on to the roof itself.

"How am I supposed to get up there?" I was not going the same way he was, I don't have that much upper body strength.

"Well, there's a ladder." Right then Gabriel threw down a rope ladder from the roof for me to climb up. I made my way up the old rope ladder and on to the roof to find much more than just Gabriel. There was a picnic blanket with a basket full of breakfast food and Christmas lights twinkling all around. It was gorgeous up here, I can't believe that Gabriel went through all this trouble just for me.

"Gabriel, I love it." I ran to him and wrapped him in a hug, which we held for longer than most people do.

"I hoped that you would. It wasn't easy." He admitted after the hug as we sat down on the picnic blanket.

"How'd you get Charlie to allow you to do this?" I asked staring out at the sunrise. Charlie doesn't even allow anyone upstairs in her house, but she's letting a new kid on her roof?

"I told her that I wanted to do something special for you and she suggested this." Gabriel popped a grape in his mouth and grabbed another one to eat after.

"Cool. Toss me one." I opened my mouth and readied for the grape. He threw it and made it perfectly in my mouth. "Nice throw. Now let me do you." He opened his mouth and I tossed the grape a little to his right but he got it nevertheless.

"One to one. Let's see if you can catch this one." It was way off to my left but I dove for it only to miss it by a few inches.  "Yes! Victory is mine!" Gabriel exclaimed shooting his arms in the air.

"You cheated." I tell him as I grab one of the croissants out of the basket to eat. I'm surprised it's still warm.

"You're just being a sore loser, Samoose." I stopped buttering my croissant and glanced up at Gabriel.

"Samoose?" I questioned. He just shrugged and grabbed a granola bar.

"Well, you're taller than me and a moose is a tall animal and you're name is Sam so Samoose. It's you're nickname." He explained ripping off the packaging and shoving the granola bar in his mouth. I nodded and ate my croissant sitting next to the boy who made this all happen.

"Thank you again for doing this." I glance over at him as he stared out at the rising sun. He seems so peaceful, so pure, so perfect.

"I wanted to do something memorable for our first date." I nearly choked on my croissant. This is a date, I thought it might be but I wasn't sure.

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