Sleepovers and Emails

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***Dean POV***

"Let it go! Let it go-o! Turn away and slam the door!" Castiel screamed/sang at the top of his lungs as I drove down the highway towards home. I started to laugh as I reached one hand over to try and cover his mouth as he continued to belt out the lyrics. I finally clamped my hand over his mouth but he started to lick it ferociously.

"Gross!" I snapped my hand away and started to wipe it on his trench coat. He didn't stop singing though, even as I was drenching his sleeve in his own spit.

"The cold never bothered me anyway." He finished, doing a fake hair flip over his shoulder. I started to laugh even harder as I pulled in to Bobby's driveway.

"We're gonna have to be quiet, but we can sneak down to the basement and watch a movie." I told Castiel, turning off my car. "Do you still have the root beer?" He smiled and held up a carton that was sitting by his feet. I motioned for him to follow me and we hopped out of the car. I found the spare key under the hide away rock in the garden and unlocked the door before returning it.

"Can I turn on the lights?" Castiel whispered behind me as I creaked the door closed.

"No, I don't want anyone to wake up." He sighed and walked past the light switch, practically holding onto me because he's scared of the dark.

"Am I not allowed over?" He whispered into my ear.

"Pretty much." Castiel snickered at me. A light switch flipped on in the kitchen and the fridge opened up.

"Shit. Bobby. Hide in the closet!" I pushed him towards the linen closet quickly, not wanting to get caught.

"But I'm out!" He joked with me, but now was no time for jokes.

"No time for jokes, Cas! Get in there!" Castiel ran into the closet and I slammed the door shut as Bobby walked into the room. I awkwardly leaned against it to try and act natural.

"Dean? Is that you over there?" He called into the foyer.

"Yeah, Bobby." My voice squeaked and I heard Cas snicker behind me. I kicked the closet door to tell him to shut up and the snickering stopped.

"What're you doing getting in now?" He looked at me curiously as he asked, clearly questioning the suit.

"Ellen said it was okay if I took Castiel out for dinner late tonight." He nodded his head and took a sip of his beer.

"Ah. I see. You can tell that boy to come out of the closet. All of your friends are already downstairs watching a movie. Goodnight, boys." I stood there with my jaw agape but Bobby just clapped his hand on my back twice before waking up the stairs.

"Goodnight, Bobby." Castiel said from inside the closet. I laughed a little and let him out so we could head downstairs to the party.

"Jo didn't tell me she was inviting anyone over." I explained to Castiel as we walked over to the basement door.

Once we walked downstairs, it was a completely different atmosphere. A movie was playing and sleeping bags and people were thrown about all over the place. It looked like a Boy Scouts tent exploded in our basement.

"Look whose here! Dean! Cas! Come on, have some popcorn!" Charlie called, clearly having had a few beers before she arrived. She held the popcorn bucket over her head and started to laugh hysterically for no reason.

"Uh, I have root beer." Castiel held up the carton and it was snagged by Jo, who was laying on the couch next to us, instantly.

"Long time, no see buddy boys." Ash said as he walked past us to go upstairs.

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