Drawings and Car Rides

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Castiel POV

"Just because it has wings doesn't mean it can fly. Look at penguins for example! ostriches too!" I explained to Gabriel about our ridiculous conversation we were just having. Gabriel nodded, put his hands up in defeat since I proved him wrong  and we headed inside where we're greeted by our ever grouchy butler, Uriel.

"Lunch is going to be ready in ten minutes. Your brother Bartholomew also requests your presence in his room." Uriel directed the last part towards Gabriel, which made sense because Bartholomew doesn't like me one bit. He says I'm 'too stuck up for his liking'.

I walked into the kitchen to talk to Anna as she made our lunch and found two of my sisters, Hannah and Anna, already talking to her.

"Hey, Castiel, you're a guy." Anna said, spinning her stool to face me.

"Yes. Yes I am." I gave her a confused face as I lifted four year old Hannah up off the floor. "How was your day?" I asked my favorite sister with a huge smile.

"Great! I watched two shows today!" She exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.

"Woah! Two shows? That's a lot." She nodded and I walked over with her to sit down next to Anna on the stools.

"So, I need a guys advice. What do you think this text means." Anna swiveled her phone to face me and I honestly didn't see a text that stood out to me on the screen.

"What text are you talking about?" Hannah and I started to play pat-a-cake like we always do, it's Hannah's favorite game.

"The last one! I don't know what he means!" She was nearly hysterical about it. I glanced over at our chef Anna and she just shrugged and continued to cut up pieces of chicken.

"Okay so the last one he sent." She nodded so I squinted at the screen to read it. "Night, babe. Ily. What does ily mean?" I asked. Depending on what that means, this text from her boyfriend sounds like it's nothing big. Just him being a boyfriend.

"It means I love you, Castiel. Get with the times! But usually he sends this." She scrolled through her phone. She showed me a text that said 'Good night, babe. I love you. Sweet dreams.'.

"He was probably just tired. It was late and he wanted to send you something before he fell asleep." I told her letting Hannah down off my lap. She took off running down the hall to more than likely grab a toy or two she wanted me to play with.

"You think so?" I nodded. "Thanks, Castiel! You're the best!" Anna gave me a hug around the neck which I didn't even have time to hug back because she took off to her bedroom.

"How'd you get so good at the language of teenage boy? I know you are one, but you usually have your head in the sand. No offense." Anna said as she placed the chicken she had been cutting on each of our salads.

"None taken and I honestly just said that because one message was shorter than the other. I'm more than likely wrong." I confessed to her. "Oh and Anna, I won't be in for dinner." I tried to slide out of the kitchen then so I wouldn't have to explain but she caught me.


"I've got a date." She put down everything in her hands and gave me her undivided attention.

"Who with?"

"A girl from school named Charlie." I  lied to her. It felt bad to lie to Anna since she is practically my mom, she acts more like one than my actual mom.

"Well, good for you." I nodded and she continued preparing the food. I made my way out of the kitchen and up the stairs to my bed room.

My bedroom may only have four pieces of furniture in it, but it feels tiny. It's the smallest room in the house by far, I could have sworn it used to be a hall closet at one point.

I walk over to my desk, which is pressed right up against my bed, which works great because I can use my bed as a chair, and began to look at the drawings I left there this morning. There was at least three unfinished ones that I had no intention on finishing. There was two fully drawn ones--a picture of angel wings and a clock that had the outline of a man next to it---which I adore.

"Castiel?" I heard Gabriel ask through the door. He peeked his head in without a response, knowing that I would tell him to come in.

"What's up?" I asked as I grabbed out my sketchbook from under my desk. I tape it to the bottom of my desk so then none of my siblings can ever find it. They would purposely destroy it if they had the chance.

"Sam invited me over, something about Dean not being there tonight. He's inviting over a few other friends from school too. Can you give me a ride?" Gabriel told me as he flipped through my old drawings. He took out a sucker and popped it in his mouth.

"Yeah, I guess. I have to go that way anyway, the Roadhouse is over there." I told him as I started to sketch the profile of Dean.

"Why are you heading that way?"

"I'm meeting Dean."

"Well, alright. He wants me over around 7, but I wouldn't mind going earlier to be honest." He said with a smirk. I just smiled and shook my head at him.

"Get out." I said light heartedly with a smirk.


"Now. I need to get ready." I threw a pencil at him and he pretty much ran out knowing that I would throw the whole box of pencils I had.

For about the next few hours I drew Dean based solely off memory. I had just finished perfecting his hairline when I finally glanced at my clock. 6:12 sprang off the display, causing me to go into a slight panic. Quickly, I grabbed my blue tie out from my dresser drawer and straightened my trench coat.

I cannot tie a tie for the life of me, which meant it was only halfway done and backwards when I ran out of my room.

"Gabriel! I'm leaving!" My voice echoed through the house. Gabriel immediately came running to the front foyer as son as I called as if he was waiting, which he probably was.

"Let's go, Cassie." He called as he ran out the front door. I rolled my eyes and followed him out to my convertible.

"See ya later, Gabriel. Do you need a ride?" I yelled over to Gabriel show as already at the Winchester's door.

"No! Charlie offered to take me home." He shouted back. I nodded and pulled out of the parking lot, eager to get to the Roadhouse. This is my first ever official date, it's kind of nerve wracking,

I blared Heat of the Moment by Asia the whole three minute drive to the Roadhouse which calmed my nerves. As I pulled into the parking lot, I saw Dean fixing his hair near his Impala. I parked my own car a few away from his and turned it off. After a couple of deep breaths, I finally got the courage to open my door and step out to face the day.

Here goes nothing.

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