Movies and Confessions

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Gabriel POV

"Let's get going." I told Castiel as he grabbed his trench coat off of the coat rack. He took forever to put it on ad I was getting impatient. "Come on, Castiel." I whined to him and grabbed his wrist trying to pull him toward the door.

"Calm down Gabriel. You're acting like your late for a date." Castiel smirked and I could feel myself blushing. I let go of his wrist and awkwardly coughed feeling extremely uncomfortable in that conversation. "Cat got your tongue?" Castiel teased. I lightly hit his arm and we headed out the door to his convertible.
Ten minutes later, we pulled up to the motel and I happily jumped out of the car.

"When do you need a ride?" Castiel asked peeking out at me from over his sunglasses. He tries to hard to be cool sometimes.

"Probably two, three hours. I'll text you." Castiel nodded and drove off, leaving me in a cloud of dust. I walked up to Sam and Dean's room and knocked three times. I heard something crash to the floor and then hurried footsteps all around the room. That must be Sam. I thought laughing a little.

"Hey, Gabriel." He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Did you just fall off your bed?" I questioned with a smirk. He looked down and mumbled a yes quietly. "Nice going."

"Come on in. I've got a couple of movies that we could watch. Or we could work on our homework or maybe play a board game or something. I don't have much but I have Monopoly and The Game of---" I motioned for Sam to stop. He is absolutely hot when he is getting all flustered though. I kind of didn't want him to stop.

"A movie would be great Sam." I told him and he nodded before hurrying over to the pile of old DVDs he had.

"Well, I have the Avengers, the Hunger Games and.....Paper Towns apparently." Sam seemed confused that he even had that movie to offer but I was glad he did. I've been wanting to (secretly) see that.

"Paper Towns. I've been wanting to see that." I was embarrassed to say it, but I don't think Sam would judge that much.

"Really? That's why I have it because I really wanted to see it. I haven't watched it yet." Sam told me excitedly jumping over to me.

"Well what are you waiting for then? Put it in!" I joked with him and he put up his hands innocently and popped it into the CD player. It was then that I realized the lack of seating. There was a table with chairs and one couch along with the beds but you couldn't see the TV from anything but one of the beds.

"Ummmm...well I'll...I'll sit on Dean's b-bed and you can sit on mine, ri-right there." Sam nervously stumbled over half of his words causing me to smirk and probably blush. Hopefully Sam doesn't notice.

"Don't be silly. You can't even see it well from Dean's bed, it seems like at least." I told him as I sat down on his bed waiting for the movie to start.

"Alright." He blushed but tried to hide it from me by turning away and sat down next to me. We left about six inches in between us which was pretty awkward to be honest.

The movie started and I was tempted to move a bit closer but I didn't have to because Sam moved and closed the space. He smiled and I grinned back at him and we watched the entire movie sitting that close to each other.
Dean POV

I knew that Sam invited over Gabriel I decided that rather than ruining their fun, I would go to the Roadhouse.

"Hey, Jo." I told her as I sat down at the bar. There's like no one here so nobody is going to care about a teenager sitting at the bar.

"Hey, Dean. Where's Sam at?" Jo asked as she cleaned a beer glass.

"Hanging out with a friend." I told her as Ash brought out my usual chocolate milkshake. I started to doze off because I was so tired from getting up so early this morning but Jo thumped my head to keep me up.

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