Libraries and Basketball Courts

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Castiel POV

"Castiel, it's time for school." My butler, Uriel, called from the door. I rolled over in bed and groaned before looking him. He was in his normal getup; a black suit and a frown. He hated his job and everyone knew it.

"Thanks, Uriel." I told him. He bows and then sees himself out. Groggily, I get up and open my green curtains to let the light shine through my bay window. Now that I can see, I make my way over to my closet and type in on my wardrobe monitor what I want to wear today. Black and white suit, blue tie and tan trench coat. My go-to outfit.

Quickly, I change into it and grab my bag off my desk where I had left it last night. Exiting my room, I almost ran straight into my little brother, Gabriel, who was running in the house.

"Gabriel! No running!" I called after him. He's always a rule breaker. He stopped but turned around to give me a sad look.

"You're no fun." He whined to me as he shoved a blue lollipop in his mouth. That boy is always eating candy.

Our chef, Anna, was busy making breakfast that smelled delicious when I came down the stairs.

"Morning, Anna." I told her as I took a seat next to Gabriel at our breakfast bar. She had a smile on her face like always because unlike Uriel, she loves her job.

"Good morning, Castiel. Breakfast will be finished in three minutes." I nodded and took my phone off of the charger I had left it in last night. No new texts. Not surprised since I only moved here three weeks ago and at my old school no one liked me. The whole socially awkward and gay thing didn't help me make friends.

"Are you excited for school?" Gabriel asked bouncing up and down as if he was already on a sugar high. Which he probably is even though it's only six in the morning.

"Yeah, I guess." I mumbled. "Do you know when Dad will be home?" I asked Anna who was whipping pancake batter for my parents breakfast.

"Sorry kiddo, I don't. Your mom is home today and your dad left for some trip to Dallas I think." I put a smile on my face and told her it was okay. My mom is home a lot more than my dad, which makes sense because my mom is a college professor at the community college down the street and my dad is the CEO of his own TV company; Novak. How original. "Okay, breakfast is served." Anna set down two delicious plates of food in front of us. Each of us had two pieces of toast, one egg, three pieces of bacon and one bowl of mixed fruit along with a tall glass of ice cold milk.

"Thank you Anna." I told her digging in. It was delicious. The best meal I've had in a while, or since the last time she was here three days ago (she had a vacation for a wedding the past couple of days).

"Yeah, thanks." Gabriel said with half a mouth full of food. It was quite disgusting and almost made me lose my appetite. Almost.

"Just finish up and then head to school guys." Anna wiped her hands off on her white apron and then went to her room in the west wing of the house.

Five minutes later, we were done eating and on our way to school. As I pulled in, I notice two guys sitting on the back of an Impala. The older one was wearing a dark blue shirt, leather jacket , loose jeans and brown leather boots while the younger one was wearing a baggy flannel, sneakers and light washed jeans. They seem like polar opposites. The older one was staring a bit at me as I parked and I couldn't help but notice. I even felt a blush rising on my cheeks.

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