Arcades and Puppy Dogs

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I like jazz.
Lucifer POV

"Can we go now? I don't like it here." Skylar complained as she hugged my leg.

"What don't you like about it, Skye?" Castiel asked, bending down to be eye level with Skye. 

"I don't like how warm it is." She whispered to him. Castiel picked her up off the floor and gave her a big bear hug.

"How about we go outside and play in the yard while we let your dads look at the house?" He suggested to Skylar. Skylar nodded and jumped into Castiel's arms before racing her off to the front yard with Dean right behind him.

"I like this house. It's big enough for everyone and the kitchen is amazing." Michael told me as he sat down the white couch behind him. The house was everything that we had wanted and I couldn't help but smile at the possibility it could be ours.

"So, how are you two liking the house?" Our real estate agent----an older women with gray hair and a pleasant smile----asked.

"It's perfect. What offer do you think we should put down?" I asked her and she opened her big book of prices to give me an answer.

"There are no other offers, so I believe that offering to pay full list price is a good offer. It's really a deal for this area and it's right in your price range."

"So, $250,999?" Michael clarified and the lady nodded.

"I don't see any reason why the owners would say no. I'll give them a call now and I'll let you know the results." She told us pulling out her phone and dialing.

"We are going to head into town for some lunch, can you call us with what happens?"

"Of course." Michael smiled at her and took my hand before walking out of the house with a quiet Sam and Gabriel at our heels.

We all decided to go down to the café and grab some food since it was only a short drive.

"Daddies, when are we getting my doggie?" Skye asked as we walked into the restaurant.

"Well, I need to speak to Dad about it but I think that we could probably get a doggie today." Skylar's face lit up and she started to bounce for joy in her seat, I've never seen her this happy.

"Okay, so after we eat, we will head over to the rescue for you to pick out a doggie!" Skylar was practically jumping out of her seat and I couldn't help but laugh at her a bit.

"I'm finished, can we leave now?" Skylar asked us. Micheal and I both just looked at each other and chuckled to ourselves.

"Sure sweetie. Let's get the boys and go." Michael threw down twenty dollars for our food, knowing that if it didn't cover the bill they knew where we lived.

We drove down the road with Skylar, Sam and Gabriel all chanting in the backseat about a dog. Saying the drive to the animal shelter is about a half an hour, constant screaming can get annoying.

"CAN YOU SHUT UP BACK THERE!" I screamed and instantly regretted it. Skylar looked up at me in pure horror as the three of them stopped mid word. Skylar burst into tears and I immediately tried to calm her down, but to no avail.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE NICE!" She shouted back through the tears. Sam reached over to her and wrapped her arms around him, and she bawled into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart." I whispered to her as we pulled into the parking lot of the shelter.

"You need to learn to control your temper." Michael warned me as he parked and turned off the car. He got out and pried Skylar off of Sam and held her close to his chest. "Shhhh. Daddy's here. Daddy's here." He whispered into her ear as he rocked back and forth and stroked her hair.

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