Late Nights and Early Starts

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Castiel POV

"You're car should be good as new." Dean told me, slamming the hood shut.

"What do I owe you?" I asked, getting right to the point. He smiled and wiped his hands on an old rag he had.

"Nothing, Cas. I'm just helping out a friend." I smirked at me. His smirk makes him look so hot. Even hotter than usual, and that's tough to beat. "Cas? You there?" I glanced down at my feet feeling myself blushing causing Dean to chuckle at me. He tossed me the rag to wipe off the minimal dirt that was on my hands and we walked over toward the motel room to get Gabriel.

Dean entered the room first and immediately turned back to me to motion to be quiet, having a similar----but not quite the same-----smirk as earlier on his face. Curiously, I peeked in the door and saw Sam and Gabriel cuddled up on Sam's bed. They have really moved fast, who moves that fast in real life? Thats only heard of in books and TV shows.

"They seem happy." Dean stated with a half frown-half smile on his face. It was a look that was a cross between a concerned father and a happy brother. We made our way into Dean's room and Dean sat down on the corner of his own bed to remove his work boots.

"Gabriel. Gabriel." I called to him, shaking his shoulder at the same time. He just swatted my hand away and hugged Sam even close to him like he was a giant teddy bear.

"Gabriel!" Dean yelled and chucked a pillow at his face. Gabriel turned over and snored loudly as a reply. "Well. It seems like he's not getting up anytime soon."

"I guess not. Is it alright if he sleeps over? I'll just tell my dad he fell asleep and wouldn't wake up." I turned toward the door to leave, guessing that it would be alright, but I was stopped by Dean's hand on my shoulder. He spun me around to face him and when he did we were close. Like real close.

His lips seem so soft and flawless from this angle. I could just k----

"Cas? You okay?" Dean asked pulling me out of my thoughts. I felt myself blush yet again and realizing that Dean could probably see it, made me blush even more.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. I'll be heading out now, if that's alright." I turned toward the door to leave again.

"Nonsense! It's already past 10 and Gabriel is here. Just stay." Dean told me as he grabbed his pajamas to change in the bathroom.

"No. I really must be going." I reassured him. Even though I really didn't want to leave here. I'm too tired to drive safely and I'd rather not crash. Just thinking about sleep caused me to yawn.

"You are too tired to drive. I'm not letting you leave like that. I don't want you in a crash." I nodded at Dean and then he rummaged through his drawers again to pull me out a pair of pajamas.

"I'm fine sleeping in this." I told him as I took off my heavy trench coat and made my way over to the sofa.

"You're in a suit." Dean told me with a half smirk on his face. I held out my hand knowing that I had no argument   and Dean tossed the pajamas over to me.
"Good night, Dean." I said in a yawn as I stretched out on the old couch after changing. I grabbed out my phone, remembering that I have to tell my parents, and shot them a text saying my car wasn't working so Gabriel and I are staying with some friends before my friend fixed it in the morning. I know it's a lie, but it'll keep them from 'coming to our rescue'.

"Cas, come on and take the bed. I'll take the couch." I shook head no, but he wouldn't take that as an answer so in the end we agreed to share the bed. It was big enough for two, so it didn't feel all that uncomfortable.

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