Chapter Four

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Phil's POV
Adrian was in the hospital for 3 weeks with broken bones and a concussion from the incident. We were able to bring him home and in the meantime, the detectives discussed the damage with our landlord. He was surprisingly okay with the horrific mess, especially when they said they knew people who would be able to come fix it.
Our apartment was back to normal. Adrian was able to get his car from the Howell residence and bring it to the apartment building after bringing his stuff and moving in.
"Welcome home, Adrian." Dan greeted him at the door. "I'll help you with your room."
My old bedroom turned into Adrian's bedroom. We still had our computers in there, along with adding Adrian's. "Guys.." He said after unpacking his clothes. "Thank you for letting me live with you. I know it's kinda odd.... Your little brother living in the same apartment as you and your fiancé.."
"It's no problem. You're family." I hugged him. "Thanks Phil. So can I ask you guys something?"
"Sure." Dan answered.
"Of course you can." I ended the hug.
"When's the wedding?" He said with a cheeky smile. Dan wrapped an arm around him and messed up his hair.
"You cheeky turnip.." He laughed as he messed up his brother's fringe.
"I learned from the best." Adrian smiled as he fixed his hair. "So going back to school tomorrow.... Please don't keep me up with your playing."
We giggled. "We'll try to control over selves." I wrapped my arm around Dan.
"Weirdos." Adrian teased as he walked out of his bedroom and into the kitchen. "What's for dinner?" He called for us.
"I was thinking we'd go out for dinner." Dan looked at me, asking indirectly.
"Of course we can."
We all got ready and did a three-way fringe check in the bathroom, before laughing at how weird we looked. We left our apartment and got into Adrian's car.
"Where are we going to eat?" Adrian asked.
"Wherever you want." I answered, and grabbed Dan's handing as I planted a kiss on his jaw.
"I ship it."
"Shut up, Adrian. Turnips can't talk!" Dan teased.
"Hey, hey, I'm driving here!" He giggled.
We arrived at the restaurant we normally dine at and Adrian spotted someone. "Dan, is that Mum?"
"Yeah I think it is."
"How'd she know we were coming here?" I wondered.
"We eat here all the time, Philly. Remember? Mum brought us here for my birthday."
"Yes, baby. I remember." I kissed him as we exited the car.
"Hello Daniel! And Adrian! Sweetie, I haven't seen you in forever." She hugged he kids. "And how are you Phil?"
"I'm much better now that your sons are safe."
"Yes.... I saw on the news." She kissed Adrian on the forehead. "I'm so sorry, sweetie."
"I'm okay Mum." He hugged her.
"Okay before I cry of cuteness, shall we eat?"
"Yes, let's go in." Dan opened the door for us. We got a table for four and caught up with the newly divorced, Miss Howell.
"So Adrian, you're in your last year of high school?"
"Yes, I go back tomorrow. I got into York."
"You did?" I chimed in. "Great job, man."
"Thanks Phil. I'm a little nervous about it, but I know it'll be a great experience."
"Can't be worse than law school." Dan teased and looked at his mum.
"Eat your food, Daniel." She hit him on the arm. "Silly boy."
"Thanks for joining us, Mum." Adrian hugged her.
"I was more than happy to join. I love you boys." She hugged her sons.
"Awww!" I teased Dan as his face went red.
"Come here, nerd." Adrian pulled me into the hug and said, "You're family, Phil. You're my soon-to-be in law."
"Yeah, Daniel. When's the wedding?"
"We need to plan." He blushed. I wrapped my arm around his neck as the hug broke and I kissed him. He put his hands on my arm and held them there as we left the restaurant and went to the car.
The next morning, Adrian woke up for school. "Dan? Phil? Are you two blokes awake?" His small but growing voice asked as he poked his head into our room.
"Hm?" I woke. Dan's arms were wrapped around me. "Dan? Baby, wake up."
"What?" He mumbled.
"I just wanted to see you guys before I got ready to leave." Adrian explained. We got up and put our shirts on. We followed Adrian to the kitchen where he had our breakfast prepared.
"Bloody hell, where'd you learn to cook?" Dan interrogated Adrian.
"I just followed some recipes I found online." He said as he finished his own plate.
"You have talent, kid." I said as I finished my omelette. "You're gonna have to give me these recipes you keep finding."
"Will do!" Adrian washed his own plate, dried and put it away, before taking our plates and silverware and washing them.
Dan and I were sitting in the lounge when Adrian said, "Okay, I'm going to head out. I'll be back at 4."
"Okay. We're probably going to go into town eventually. Be careful coming home, weather says there's a chance of storms."
"Thanks, Mum."
"Watch it, Adrian!" He laughed as his little brother teased him.

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now