Chapter Sixteen

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Dan's POV
We got out of bed and got dressed. Before we fixed our hair and everything, I made a phone call.
"Hey it's Dan."
"Hey! How are you and Phil?"
"We're doing great. I was wondering... Are you still in town?"
"As a matter of fact, I am."
"Can you come by? Phil and I would love to talk to you about something very important."
"I don't see why not. Can I know what this is about?"
"You'll have to wait and see."
"Alright, I'll be over in ten."
"Thank you, see you then."
She hung up.
"Philly? Is your hair done?" I called for him.
"Yeah, but yours definitely isn't. Lemme fix it." He fixed my hair and straightened away each and every Hobbit curl.
"We have a guest coming over today. She'll be here pretty soon."
"Oh?" He held me closely. "Is she possibly our surrogate?"
"She may be. We need to talk with her though."
There was knock on the door and little bit later. Phil sat in the lounge, waiting to see who she was.
I answered the door, "Hello, thank you for coming over. Please, come sit."
"Thank you, Dan. Hi Phil!" Cat said, setting her bag by the door, and hanging her light jacket up.
She came and joined us in the lounge. "So what do you guys need to talk about?"
I looked at Phil, who was already smiling. "We're going to be starting a family....but since we are both guys...."
"You need a surrogate?" She finished my sentence, then smiled. "I'd be honored!"
She got up and hugged the both of us.
"We're actually going to the Care to join?" Phil smiled.
We all left together and made it to our appointment. Phil found the doctor I spoke with over the phone and he took us through the whole process.
"Is there any chance we could both..." I asked, uncertain.
"There is a way...but only fraternal twins." He answered.
We both looked at each other, then at Cat.
"I'm totally on board, guys." She giggled.
"I'll take you to testing to make sure all of you are fertile."
"You're all very healthy, and Dan, Phil, if you'd take these.." He handed us each a cup, "And go collect, we want to get started as soon as possible."
We went to the bathroom and came back, cups filled.
"They will be placed in the chamber until we start to pregnancy." He assured to us that nothing would go wrong as long as none of us smoked, or had a drink in the past few days--which none of us did.
Phil's phone rang and scared the crap out of him.
"Hello? Martyn?" He answered.
"Are you guys okay? Oh my God, are you hurt? Are they hurt? Where are you now?"
He was rapidly asking questions, so I knew something was wrong.
"The college... A gunman.. We need to hurry!"
I looked at Cat, who was shooing us away. I mouthed "Thank you." before we hightailed out of the hospital.
When we finally got there, Martyn was sitting in the waiting room, his hands in his face, covered in blood. Phil forced his hands away from his face and begged to know what happened, as I ran to find my brother.
I nearly ran into a doctor when I asked where he was, and she pointed to a hospital room, nearby. I felt my heart pounding. Unaware of what I was about to see, I slowly walked into the room.
Angela was sitting in a chair, crying heavily, her dress covered in blood.
"My brother..."
However, Adrian was laying in the hospital bed.
I asked Angela what had happened, but all she could say was, "He jumped in front of me and Lola... He jumped in front of us.." I hovered over the end of his hospital bed, crying. "My baby brother.... I never wanted this to happen to you.."
His heart was beating slower, and slower until the machine was beeping loudly. Doctors ran in and Adrian started to seize. His nervous system was fighting hard to keep him alive, but it was also shutting down quickly.
They rushed him out of the room as I held Angela back, as she was trying to follow. Adrian was heading into an emergency surgery.
I took Angela into the waiting room, where she nearly fainted when Martyn comforted her and sat her back down.
I felt lightheaded as I hugged Phil. "How did this happen?" I sobbed into his neck.
Phil explained to me what his brother told him.
Martyn had went with Adrian to help him settle into his dorm room when they heard gunshots. A gunman had walked into the school and was near the girls' dorm rooms.
Adrian ran towards the sound, only with Angela on his mind. Martyn followed him.
The gunman held Martyn at gunpoint until he tried to disarm him, causing a distraction so Adrian could help the girls escape....Angela and her roommate, and best friend, Lola.
Martyn was fought off and nearly killed as the gunman shot at him, but missed. Angela screamed, thinking he had been killed, and she terrified. The gunman fired two bullets, both for the girls, but Adrian blocked them both from hurting them. Martyn attacked the gunman, and the police got to him.
He carried Adrian to the hospital while Angela followed closely behind. He was unfairly forced to stay in the waiting room as he wasn't immediate family, unlike me.
Angela got to go in, only because they're engaged.
"He saved them." Phil whispered as he held my head on his shoulder and held me tightly in his arms.
"Today was supposed to get the happiest day of our lives, besides the wedding... I mean, we're having kids."
"I know baby..." He kissed me and wiped away the tears.
The four of us stayed in the waiting room until, at 5a.m, the doctor I had previously spoken with, came to update us.
"He's stable, but he's in critical condition. We're uncertain on how much longer he has.. I'm terribly sorry, Dan. He's going to be okay for now... But we'll be watching over him in the ICU, making sure he heals and does not proceed downhill."
We went back to the apartment, with Angela and Martyn. Angela's mom picked her up, shortly after.
"I'm scared..." I choked back tears.
"We are, too." Martyn hugged me.
"He's family." Phil kissed me and made my broken heart skip.
"He's my brother... He was the only friend I had growing up.." I cried.

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now