Chapter Thirteen

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Dan's POV
Only a couple months before, I told Phil I had never given head. Now my mouth was naturally magnetized towards the lower half of my husband.
We fell back asleep and got woken up by the sound of Adrian coming home. The door opened, then slammed shut. We heard kissing and heavy breathing.
"Sounds like Adrian is busy." I laughed. We waited until we heard his door shut before we got up and got dressed. I could hardly move as I was undeniably sore, but so was Phil. We had extreme post-sex hair, mine in Hobbit form.
I helped Phil into the lounge and I turned on Mario Kart. He fell asleep, his head in my lap.
I heard Angela screaming Adrian's name. "Oh dear... Is that how we sound? Meh. People WISH they could hear us."
I ignored the sex noises and played Mario Kart while my beautiful husband slept soundly.
The sounds from Adrian's room stopped and they came out around 12p.m.
"Hey bro." I said to Adrian.
"Hey. Where's Phil?"
I pointed down.
"Oh, please say he's just sleeping..."
"He is. Adrian... You have some uh... On your face."
"Oh shit. We got kinda carried away." He wiped his face, embarrassed. "After the party, and all."
"Where did you guys end up?"
"That's what I need to talk to you about.." He sat down. "Don't get mad.."
"You didn't get her pregnant, did you?"
"No. But we got really drunk yesterday and this morning, after we sobered up, we came here around 4a.m."
"Yeah... And what else?"
"I saw a ring on her hand.."
I looked at him, worriedly. "What do you mean, a ring?"
Angela woke up and walked into the lounge.
"Hey baby." She kissed Adrian.
"Angela, what's the ring on your hand?" I asked.
"Oh, Adrian didn't tell you? He proposed last night."
Adrian's face went red.
"I'm gonna need some sort of explanation." I recognized the ring.
She sat down in a chair Adrian pulled up for her. "Adrian and I were drinking and he found Phil's engagement ring and jokingly proposed. He said 'Promise me, when I legitimately propose, you won't break my heart.' I said yes and we came back here after sobering up."
"Thank God... I was afraid he proposed while drunk.. For real." I laughed.
"No, no, Dan. He asked for a promise. Here's the ring." She pulled it off and gave it to me. "We were playing around." Angela kissed Adrian, then said, "I gotta go, baby."
He walked her to the door and kissed her goodbye. "I love you." She whispered.
"I love you, too, Ange." He whispered back before kissing her again. She left shortly after.
Phil woke up. "What was that noise?" He said yawning.
"Angela was leaving." Adrian answered.
"Oh." He sat up. "Did you guys have fun?"
"Yeah we did." Adrian looked at me. I winked, telling him to prank Phil without being audible. "I...uh."
"Hm?" He said back.
"I proposed to Angela last night."
"Seriously? You're fucking engaged?"
"No." Adrian and I laughed. "I jokingly proposed, using your engagement ring and I asked her to promise me that when I do propose, she won't break my heart."
"Oh dear... Adrian you scared me!" Phil held his hand to his chest and laughed. I wrapped my arm around his neck and kissed him.
"We couldn't resist not pranking you." I laughed.
"You turnips..." He laughed with us.
"Shit.. I gotta go. I gotta get to school." Adrian got up. "Bye guys."
"Do you think Adrian will actually propose to her?" I asked Phil.
"I don't know. She's his first girlfriend, but they're very close and intimate. He really loves her."
"I know. I hope he makes the right decision.." I smiled.
"He's your little brother. He'll take after you when making decisions. He's done this well, and he's 17." Phil assured to me that my brother is growing up....and he's great.
"So what're we doing today, hubby?" I kissed him.
"Isn't Adrian's graduation this week?"
"Yeah. On Friday."
"We should get him a gift. Let's go into town today."
"Sounds great, Philly." I kissed him and we got dressed, and fixed our hair.
"So what should we get him?" I asked as we paced past the stores in the mall.
"Let's get him something special.."
I followed Phil into a jewelry store.
"What's your idea?"
"He told us that he asked Angela to promise him that when he DOES propose, she won't break his heart."
"We're buying a ring for my brother?"
"We're getting the engagement ring and wedding rings for later." Phil kissed me.
"She wears the same size ring as you. She was wearing your ring."
"What's Adrian's ring size?"
"Same as me."
"Easy! We'll get them engraved." Phil cheered.
We looked through the displays until an Xbox ring caught my eye.
"That one... The gold Xbox one. That's the wedding ring."
"That's perfect. Let's engrave....'Player 1' and 'Player 2' on them. Adrian was player one, so that will be his." Phil talked to the lady behind the counter after we decided and she engraved the rings.
"The engagement ring should be simple... This one!" I spotted a simple band with diamonds. "We should have an A engraved in the front and 'Adrian's love' on the back."
I handed the ring to Phil and he told the lady what we needed.
"Thank you so much." He said.
We left the store and exited the mall with the ring boxes. When we got back home, I wrapped the engagement ring box and put a small bow on it. I put the box in my room on top of the wardrobe, out of sight from my shorter brother.
"He'll make the right decision about when. He'll know." I smiled at my husband, who had his arms wrapped around me.
It was only 10a.m. when we got home, so we played video games until Adrian was almost out of school.

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now