Chapter Nine

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Dan's POV
We woke up and got our clothes on before Adrian ever left his room. "Thank God.. He doesn't need to see his brother naked."
"I love you, Dan." Phil wrapped his arms around my waist as he kissed me gently on the collarbone.
"Can it be April yet?" I whined like a kid. Phil giggled and put his hands in my back pockets. "It's only March 2nd, baby. I want it to be April, too." He kissed me.
We heard a knock on the door, but Adrian answered it. "Hey Adrian."
"Hey mum."
"Your brother asked me to their PO box before coming to take my youngest son out for his birthday lunch."
"Mum, my birthday isn't for a long time."
"I know. It's an excuse to ask about Angela."
"DAN!!! YOU SNITCH!" He yelled at me. I laughed. "She was bound to find out anyway!"
Mum left with Adrian after Phil and I greeted her and took our mail.
"Wedding RSVPs!" Phil cheered.
"Looks like..... Louise and her husband, Felix and Marzia, Chris, Pj, Cat, Tyler and Troye." I went through the mail. "And Connor."
"So all of our YouTube friends? YAY!" Phil cheered like a kid.
Time flew by and it was already April 20th. All of the RSVPs were returned and our wedding was coming fast.
"We still need a best man, flower girl, and send directions to-" Phil was interrupted. "Well who could that be?" There was a knock on the door.
Phil got up and answered it. "Well hi, guys." Chris and Pj.
"Peej insisted we come talk to you guys, now.... Since your wedding is in five days."
I met them at the door.
"Tradition is that the grooms do not see each other 24 hours before the wedding and not until they meet at the altar. And we haven't had your bachelor party yet. So we invited the guys and thought we'd crash in."
"What a pleasure to see you again, Chris." Phil laughed.
"The party is in twenty minutes at the club. Get your asses ready!"
They left quickly and we looked at each other.
"Well okay then. I guess we're partying. I'll leave a note for Adrian when he gets home." I laughed and wrote a note.
We got ready and left with Chris and Pj who were waiting outside. They drove us to the club and Tyler, Troye, Connor and Felix were waiting there.
"Welcome to your bachelor party!!" Felix announced. Phil laughed.

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now