Chapter Eighteen

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Phil's POV
(I'm crafting... I'm sorry for last chapter... And this chapter...I am... ;_;)
When it was getting late, Dan and I went to bed, but first, knocked on the door to say goodnight to Angela. Martyn slept in the lounge.
"Angela?" Dan knocked. There was no answer. He tried to open the door.
"It's not locked...there's no lock on that door." I looked at him, confused, as he struggled to open it.
"Angela?!?!" He banged on the door. There was still no answer. "I think something's wrong.." He was close to tears.
I woke Martyn and told him we couldn't get into the room to Angela. He tried to bust down the door, but none of us were strong enough. She must've blocked it.
I decided to call the police.
They arrived quickly after I explained the situation, and how we thought something happened to Angela.
"Are you her legal guardians?" The policeman asked.
"No, but I already called her mum, she's on her way." Dan answered.
I showed them where the room was and they busted it down. A shelf was blocking the entrance, but they moved it, revealing the horrific sight.
"Angela..." I started to hyperventilate. She was hanging from the ceiling fan, being held in a noose made with Adrian's old belt. Her arms were covered in blood and there was a puddle under her. She was dead.
"We're going to have to clear the building." The policeman led us out of the apartment and outside. Other policemen led our neighbours outside, as well. They were all confused and staring at us, as our faces showed pure fear, pain, as if we saw a ghost.....but we saw a dead girl, hanging from a ceiling fan.
The ambulance was called and EMTs wheeled Angela out, on a gurney. Her lifeless body looked blue as her body was completely shut down.
"We found a note.. This was planned." The policeman who found her handed me a letter. A suicide letter.
"Dear those this may concern....
I'm sorry I was a disgrace and had to go this way. I witnessed the death of my one and only form of happiness and joy in life.
I couldn't continue life without him.
To whoever found this, please hand this to the people I wrote to below. Thank you for helping me on my last day on Earth.
To Dan,
I love your brother. I love him more than life. Thank you for allowing me to fall in love with him and have sleepovers with him. He explained what happened to your dad and how you raised him to be the man he was. Thank you... I love you Dan.
Take care of Phil and never let him go. I know how hard it is to let go of the love of your life.
To Phil,
You're truly an amazing man. I saw the way you looked at Dan...and the way he looked at you. It's beautiful.
It's the love I feel for Adrian. I couldn't go on without him. I'm sorry you had to see me like this, but I couldn't live without him here.
Take care... I love you Phil.
To Martyn,
I don't know you well, but I know you're the one who ran to the hospital with my love in your hands. Thank you...
I just wish it didn't have to end like this... I'm sorry you had to put up with my crying at the hospital. I know what you'll say... 'it was nothing... I was just comforting you.' But I really appreciated it. Thank you for being you...
I love you Martyn.
To Mum and Dad,
I assume Dan and Phil called you... I'm sorry for being a disgrace to our family.
I died out of pure love and compassion for a man I knew as Adrian Howell. I couldn't continue my life, knowing that he's dead because he saved me. He jumped in front of the bullets, saving Lola and me. Phil's brother carried Adrian to the hospital and he died after emergency surgery....
And now I died only two days later..
I love you guys so much... But I couldn't find any reason to continue living. I was supposed to marry this man. We had a plan to go to college together, and move in together... We were going to start a family.
But now we'll have to do that in Heaven... I'll see you later... Goodbye. I love you.. I hope you can forgive me.
To my sister, Railee,
Hi sis.... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was a terrible little sister....
I tried to live up to your expectations, but I honestly couldn't. You wanted me to be the perfect little sister, but I'm not perfect. I'm horrible.
I chose to die and leave you, Mum, and Dad and everyone I came in contact with in an ocean of tears as I hung myself today.
I'm so sorry.... I love you. I truly do... But I honestly could not continue my life without Adrian... Without my true love..
Goodbye... I'll miss you most of all."
I cried profusely as I cut the letter into sections and delivered them to each person. "I love you too, Angela.. Marry him in Heaven.. I'll make sure your funeral is conjoined with his.. And I'll put your wedding rings on you." I said to myself as I looked up to the sky, putting the letters into the blue box outside of the postal office.
"Take care...." I blew a kiss to the clouds and then walked back to the car, where Martyn and Dan were waiting.
"Let's go to our new home..." Dan whispered as he kissed me softly. "A new chapter.."
"A new chapter.." I repeated, my hand brushing across his leg.
It had been a week after everything happened...and we were moving to the house we planned to move to when Adrian moved out.
"It's time." He kissed the top of my head as he pulled me into a hug, his arm around my neck.

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now