Chapter Ten

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Phil's POV
The party lasted until 2a.m. and some of the guys started to leave. Everyone drank except for Dan and me, so we ended up driving most of our friends home.
We finally dropped off our last friend and headed back to the apartment. Adrian was already asleep. "We should get to bed before he wakes up for school, baby." Dan whispered.
We headed to bed, exhausted from partying.
Adrian woke up and left without waking us up. He must've thought we were so cozy together and the party drained our energy.
"Danny?" I woke up.
"Hm?" He woke up, shortly after.
"Hi there, my beautiful moonlight." I kissed him softly on the cheek. He smiled sweetly and kissed back. We got out of bed and saw that Adrian left a note.
"Dear Dan and Phil,
I left you some breakfast in the fridge. I didn't leave it out, since I wasn't sure when you'd be up. You looked rather exhausted.
I'll be home around 6p.m. School gets out at 1p.m. today, so I'm taking Angela out to a movie and heading back to her place. She wants me to meet her parents. Mum has been visiting with her parents, so she already met Angela.
I'll text if I'm going to be later than I said.
"Looks like Adrian won't be home for a while." Dan read the letter. "He's meeting Angela's parents."
"Hope it goes well." I pulled Dan close.
"He's my brother. He'll be fine." He kissed my neck.
"So who's going to be best man?" He asked as we sat in the lounge and cuddled.
"Should we each have a best man?"
"I don't see why not."
"Flower girl.... Louise's daughter." I smiled as I read off the list.
"Chris and Pj should be our best men. I'll take Chris?"
"Took the words straight from my mouth." I winked.
"Well.. Not yet." He kissed me. "Now I did." He teased.
"We already have a location, our best men, our flower girl, guests, a date, the cake, flowers..." I checked off everything.
"We need someone to officiate the wedding." Dan added. "I have an idea though.."
He got up and made a phone call.
"Hey it's Dan. Could you possibly do us a favour?"
He stopped and waited for an answer.
"We need someone to officiate the wedding and I know you have always wanted to be ordained. Do you think...?"
"That's amazing! Thank you so much. It doesn't take long to get your ministry license, does it?"
I heard Dan get excited.
"Thank you so much, Felix. This means a lot. See you at the wedding!"
"Phil, we have a minister!"
"Yay! So that means we have everything set."
"Rehearsal is today. We better get dressed."
"Alrighty." I got up and we got ready to leave. My mum was at the site, waiting for us.
"Excited yet?" She laughed. We went through the rehearsal and practiced the whole ceremony. "I got your marriage licenses, by the way."
We went back home and I called Louise the next day.
"Hey Louise, it's Phil."
"Hello Phillip, how are you?"
"I'm great, I was wondering if your daughter would be our flower girl."
"Oh she would LOVE to be your flower girl. Thank you, dear!"
"No, no. Thank you! See you at the wedding!"
"We have our flower girl?" Dan asked.
"Yep, now we need to call Chris and Pj and ask if they-"
"Could that knock be them?" Dan laughed.
We answered the door. It was indeed, Chris and Pj.
"We're kidnapping you." Chris said in a scary voice.
"Okay. Like we said before, it's tradition that the bride and groom, well... Groom and groom, do not see each other before the wedding when they meet again at the altar. We're having that happen now. It's less than two days before your wedding."
"So we're being separated until the wedding?" Dan asked.
"Yes. I'll take Phil, and Chris will stay here with you." Pj announced. "Have your last kiss before I steal you until the wedding."
We kissed passionately as I felt Dan's hands slip into my pants, and mine in his. We groped each other and made out while Chris and Pj turned away to give us privacy. "I love you, Philly. I'll pick up my tux and Adrian's, and tell them you'll be in for yours."
"I love you, Danny." I gave him a hickey on his neck. "Until our wedding day."
He gave me a hickey back. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you, too." I packed a couple of shirts and jeans before leaving with Pj.
Pj drove me to his place where I slept on the sofa that night.
"Missing your love?" Pj asked as he saw me stare blankly.
"Hm?" I snapped out of my trance.
"I said, missing your love?"
"Of course."
"This is only temporary. It's tradition to prove that you can live without each other for at least one night, to show that you can live together forever. You'll be deeper in love with him by the end of this."
I nodded, listening to the logic behind this. "I wonder how Chris and Dan are doing."
"I just called Chris. Dan is missing you just as bad."
"Aww... I miss him. I can't wait to marry him."
"Peej?" He looked at me.
"Do you need something?"
"I need you as my best man."
"I'd be honoured! I was waiting for you to say that since Chris said Dan asked him."
Pj went to his room and yelled, "Good night Phillip."
"Night, Peej."
I dozed off on the sofa.
"Phil?" I felt a hand shake me gently. "PHIL!"
"Ah!" I woke up. "You scared me, Peej!"
"Sorry. Today's the day, man!"
I looked at my phone. A notification had went off two minutes before I woke. "Pick up tux"
I got up and changed. "I'm going to go pick up my tux."
"I'm coming with."
I looked at him, confused.
"So you don't end up going home, even out of habit."
We left and went to pick up my tux. A nice lady behind the counter had already laid out my tux in its bag, as she saw us walk in.
"Phil Lester?"
"Yes. For now." I smiled.
"Congratulations on your wedding, dear."
She handed me the bag. "Dan already paid."
"Thank you."
Pj already had his tux and so did Chris. It was 2p.m and the wedding was in about three hours.
"Are you feeling excited?" Pj asked.
"I'm nervous, but excited. Yes."
"You love Dan. He loves you. He wouldn't have proposed if he didn't."
"I know. I just want everything to go as planned."
"It will, Phil."
Pj took me back to his place where I packed up the last of my stuff that I had brought. Pj put on his suit and fixed his hair.
I put my tux on and then heard a knock.
"Come on in, Mrs Lester!"
My mum had came to give me my boutineer.
I walked out of the bathroom after fixing my hair.
"Wow.." She teared up. "I promised myself I wouldn't cry here." She pinned my boutineer on my tuxedo. "My handsome son on his wedding day!"
We left to go to the place Dan and I first met at in Manchester. Felix was there, waiting for the grooms.
"Hey Phillip. It's a pleasure to do this for you."
"Thank you Felix." I hugged him.

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now