Chapter Seven

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Adrian's POV
We had a lovely meal together and talked about our dreams. Yes. Cheesy as hell... But she loved it!
We walked out of the restaurant and I felt my hand intertwining with hers. "Yeah man, we're getting somewhere."
I opened her door and she got in. I shut it and got into the driver's seat. "Off to my place?" I winked at the beautiful girl in my car.
"Certainly." She took my hand right hand as I only drove with my left.
We went to the apartment and I heard through the door: "PHILLL. No more house plants!"
"Classic." I unlocked the door and called for my brother and Phil.
"Dan, Phil, I would like you to meet Angela."
"Pleasure to meet you, Angela." Dan shook her hand and gave her a hug. Phil joined in on the hug.
"Aww! Not even here for a minute and you already got a Phan hug." I teased.
We went to my bedroom and Angela looked so good laying on my bed. Her light brown hair complimented her subtle green eyes. Her pale, but sweet skin held a blue colored skater dress over it. I couldn't resist.
I kissed her. I kissed her passionately.
"Whoa." She said.
"Sorry.." I said. I clearly caught her off guard.
"Don't say that." She pulled me in by my shirt and kissed me hard.
"I have a girlfriend..." I held her closely as she laid her head on my shoulder.
"Will you go to prom with me?" I smiled. She looked at me blankly, unaware that I was planning to ask her the question. Her hand rested on my jawline. "Of course, I will." She kissed me hard.
"Phil? I need your help." I heard Dan call. Phil must've walked towards the sound of the voice, since two seconds later, "Dan! Don't scare me like that!"
"They're really cute together." Angela said.
"Yeah, my brother came out as gay to me indirectly a few years ago and I instantly thought: Phil. Phil. Phil. Please ask him out."
"Aw." She laid her head back down. We heard a car horn go off outside of my room. "Damn it... That's my ride."
"Spend the night." I said quickly. "Oh god.... Did I just..."
"Really? You want me to stay the night?"
"Would your mum be okay with that?"
"I'll have to ask, but of course I'll spend the night." She kissed me gently. "I'll go talk to her."
I watched her walk out of the apartment and out to the car in the lot. She looked happy.
Angela came back after the car left and said, "I guess I'm spending the night!"
"Yay! Are the guys still home?"
"I didn't see them hitting each other with pillows." She giggled. We went into the lounge where they left a note:
"Adrian, we left to go to town. Don't get too busy ;).
No seriously. Don't get this girl pregnant. I'm seriously. I'll kill you bro.
"They left to go to town. I'll call Phil and ask."
"Why not Dan?"
"He doesn't answer my calls or texts. He's the usual brother."
I pulled out my phone and dialed Phil's number.
"Hey Phil, it's Adrian."
"Oh hey. Everything okay?"
"Yeah, Angela is staying the night... Is that cool with you guys?"
I heard Phil talk to Dan.
"Yeah that's okay. Just be good. We'll be back in about thirty minutes. We're jogging into town versus taking the tube."
"Alright. Thanks Phil. Bye."
"DON'T GET HER PREGNANT!" Dan yelled on the other end. "That was your brother, reminding you that you're still in high school and young. Don't get her pregnant."
I laughed. "No worries, guys."
"Bye Adrian. Dan says bye, too."
"Bye guys. See you later."
I hung up. "It's all good!"
"Yay!" She said. "So, video games?" She winked as she sat down on the sofa.
"Hell yeah! I got to warn you though... I'm really competitive."
"Then I hope you don't mind losing to your girlfriend." She teased. "Not with those eyes, I don't. Damn."
"You're on, baby." We put in Halo.
"Ever played?" I said, sitting back down next to my girlfriend.
"Ever played? Oh Adrian, this is my jam. I've been playing this since the dawn of time."
"Then you won't mind a challenge. I have gaming in my BLOOD." I started it up and set the game to two players.
"Alright. PVP, first to 10 kills wins."
"You're SO going down."
"You're so cute. Hope you're just as cute when you lose!" I started the game. "Okay, we stay looking at our screens only to keep things interesting."
We found weapons and grenades and went on a hunt for each other.
"Shit, Angela. You almost got me!"
"Really?" She threw a grenade. "I think the almost is a little bit of an understatement." She killed me.
"1-0. Nice move." I winked.
"Quit with the cutesy talk. I know it's only to throw me off my game." She teased.
"Shit, it's that obvious?"
"Yes. As obvious as it is that I'm SO gonna win."
I chased after her until she dropped a land-mine behind her and I didn't see it.
I was still alive, but barely. She turned around and hit me with a gravity hammer.
"You're good.." I looked at her.
"Tell me something I don't know, baby."
We continued the game and I finally snuck up on her with an energy sword.
"4-1. I'm coming for you!"
I repeated my tactic until she realized what I was doing and she turned around, hitting me with a sticky grenade. I ran up by her to try to kill her too, but she hit me away with a gravity hammer and I died.
"5-3 baby. Half way through." She teased.
"You better pay attention, baby." While she was teasing, I respawned near her and threw a grenade, then shot.
"Damn it, Adrian. You little sneak."
"I'm just that good."
"Alright... It's tied up. 9-9. Shall we duel?"
"Sure." She found me. "Ten paces out, turn and shoot. No grenades."
"Deal. Ready?"
"One.... Two..."
"Three.... Four.... Five..."
"Six.... Seven.... Eight... Nine."
"TEN!" We turned and shot at each other.
"Got ya! Oh shit. I died too!"
We both died. "We're going into a tie round.." I teased. "What're we gonna bet?"
"If I win, you cook me breakfast in bed."
"Sounds fair enough... Now if I win..." I thought hard. "You sleep with me."
Her face went pale. "No no, not sex. Just lay with me. We fall asleep together." I giggled.
"I thought I was already gonna." She kissed me. "Duel again?"
"You're on."
"Five paces this time. Starter guns only. No grenades."
"Alright. One...two..."
"Three... Four..."
"Five!" We turned and shot. We somehow tied again.
"Damn. How do we keep doing that?" She laughed.
"Well... I guess both of us are winners."
"I already knew that."
I looked at her.
"I have a completely sexy boyfriend who I'm sleeping next to tonight." She pulled me in close and kissed my neck.
"And I have the honours of cooking breakfast for my beauty, in the morning."
"Hello?" Dan and Phil got home.
"Hey guys." Angela greeted them and helped them with the bags. "She's amazing...."
"So what'd you guys do tonight?"
"We played Halo." I answered.
"Oh?" Phil laughed. "Who won?"
"We were tied at 9-9, so we had a duel. It ended in a tie so we went into a sudden death round."
"We dueled again," I continued. "And we tied again."
"Wow, Adrian. She's good at video games?"
"I picked a game she happened to have played since the day it came out." I looked at Angela. "But yeah, she's a serious gamer."

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now