Chapter Twenty-One

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Dan's POV
(Okay... I'm going to go ahead and apologize for the pheels. It gets very deep.... ;_;)
After Catherine and Aj turned 5.....they turned 6.....then 7..... And before we knew it, they were twelve.
The one thing they wanted most was our permission to start their YouTube channels, Catherineisnotonfire and Ajisnotonfire. They also wanted a joint channel, TheAmazingKidsAreNotonFire
They insisted on names like that, but we tried to get them to come up with unique names.
Their excuses were: "We want to be just like you.. The viewers should know who we are, but know we are our own people. We don't want viewers just because we are Phan kids." Catherine explained.
"That's very sweet of you. Do you think you'll have a video with us?" I asked.
"On our joint channel, our first video will be with you two." Aj said.
I set up their channels and explained how to use the cameras. They already knew exactly what to do and how to upload. YouTube was in their blood, so it didn't really surprise me.
"Are you guys ready to film?" Phil asked. The kids nodded, enthusiastically.
"We'll do our intro, then I'll say what we're doing. Then you pop out on both sides of Aj and me."
Listening to Catherine explain their video plans made us so proud.
Aj started the camera and Catherine introduced herself, "Hello Internet! I'm Catherine, and this is ..."
Aj popped into view, "Hey guys! I'm Aj."
"We're twins.... If you can't already tell."
"We're just so good looking.. We're models." Aj kept being silly.
"Aj shut up... Please." Catherine busted out laughing. "So now that you know us, it's time we explain a little more."
"You see, our parents are famous on YouTube.. They allowed us to start our YouTube channels, which will be linked below." Aj continued.
"Come on out dads!"
Phil and I came into view.
"Hello Internet!"
"Hey guys!"
"If you honestly didn't realize who Catherine and Aj were by their channel name, and the fact they used our intros.... Wow." Phil laughed.
"So this is the Parent Tag! Dads, we will be asking questions about our childhood, and you'll be telling stories, basically." Catherine explained.
"Sounds simple." I laughed.
"Alright. Catherine and I both have questions about ourselves that we think you should know well, and questions about ourselves that you will know, but we're... We're curious. We don't know."
"Alright. First off, what are our favorite colors?" Catherine asked.
"Yours is light blue, ..."
"and Aj's is black." We finished each other's thought.
"Correct. Favorite foods?"
"Anything. You're not picky children."
"True... Okay what are our full names and date of birth?" Catherine laughed.
"You honestly think we don't know that? March 13th, 2019, you weirdos!" I laughed. "Catherine Angela, and Adrian James. I think by now they know your last names."
"We're we whiny children? If so, tell a story to explain."
"No, only as babies. When one of you started crying, both of you would. It was like you felt each other's sorrow." Phil explained.
"That's deep.." I laughed.
"Did we ever do anything embarrassing?" Catherine asked.
"Oh... Embarrassing?" I laughed. "Let's see.."
"Aj snored as a baby. Catherine didn't stop sleeping with her baby blanket until she was 4. Neither did Aj." Phil said. Our kids got embarrassed.
"You asked!" I laughed.
"Okay... What were our first words?"
"Uh..." Phil thought. "Oh right, Catherine's was 'meow' and Aj's was 'Phan."
"Seriously?" Aj facepalmed. "I said Phan?"
"Yes. It was really cute, too."
"Wow." He laughed.
"Meow." Catherine giggled. "Pretty ironic since my nickname is Cat."
"What are meanings behind our names?"
"Catherine is the name of their mum, Catherine Valdez, known as Catrific. Angela was their aunt. Adrian was the name of my younger brother, their uncle. We put Angela and Adrian in your names because we wanted the memory of them to live on through a new generation." I explained.
"How did they die?" Aj asked.
"Adrian was killed when he saved Angela's life. There was a gunman in the college they were moving their stuff into and he shot at Angela and her roommate. Adrian jumped in front of them and took the bullets." I tried to explain without showing sadness. It was the first time I explained in detail what happened to my brother and his fiancée years. "Angela killed herself a couple days later. She couldn't bear living without her love, so she didn't."
"Wow.." Our kids were silent.
"So any more questions?" Phil asked, trying to get us past the emotional explanation.
"Okay. So that's all of the questions." Catherine said.
"Thank you guys, so much for watching. Please subscribe and become a part of the Phandom. Our dads' channels are linked below, along with our separate channels. We will be filming videos on our channels. See you next time!!" All four of us did hand hearts and waved to the camera.
"Shall we keep filming?" Catherine asked her brother.
"Sure. You're the older four seconds... So you can film first. I'll run the camera."
Phil and I left the room after they finished filming their Parent Tag video.
"I'm so proud of them.." I smiled, my arm around my husband as we watched a movie in the lounge.
"I am too. I'm proud of you, too, baby." Phil placed his hand on my jawline and kissed me. "For bringing up everything again... For being an amazing father."
"You're an amazing father, too." I kissed him forcefully. "You think we have enough time?" I winked.
"Well... They're filming, then uploading. A few hours." He said.
I picked him up like I used to, kissing every inch of his upper body as he was already shirtless.
I took him into our bedroom and ripped his pants off, then my clothes. I climbed on top and went down, my tongue trailing his lower half. He moaned, trying to stay quiet, but he got louder.
"Fuck... I love you so much." He said in between groans.
He swapped me places and sucked on my neck before finding his way down my body.
He flipped me over and scratched me as he groped. He thrusted himself into me and I moaned loudly. "Fu-fuck..."
"I love you baby." He kissed my back, leaving hickies.
"I love you, too sunshine."

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now