Chapter Twenty-Two

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Catherine's POV
We finished filming, edited and started uploading after choosing a picture for each video.
"They should be finished in an hour. Tv?"
Aj looked at me, thinking something else.
"Video games." We said simultaneously.
"We've gotta stop doing that..." Aj laughed.
We went into the lounge and started up Mario Kart.
"We have school tomorrow..." I remembered and sighed. "Dang it.."
Aj took my stress as a way to beat me.
"Come on, bro! No fair!... No. You're on. You're doomed." We played for an hour and then heard the timer Aj set go off.
"Our videos are done.. Good thing we have three computers in the house."
"Or that would take a lot longer... Oh my God, why are we doing that again!?!?" We said simultaneously.
"Cat.. Say what I'm thinking.." Aj was desperate to see if we were actually psychic, or it was just twin telepathy.
"Aj, I can't read minds."
He looked at me with puppy dogs eyes.
"Shut up." I said.
"You know what!"
"Did you.."
"I didn't read your mind."
"How did you know I was thinking about how I kicked your butt at Mario Kart?"
"Because you literally just said that." I mocked. "I just guessed you were thinking about something that'd be annoying."
Our dads came out of their bedroom and asked about our videos.
"Yeah, we just finished uploading." Aj said. "Want to watch?"
"Sure, I'll connect the laptop to the television, so we can watch it." My dads hooked up the laptop and we loaded up our joint channel.
"Hello Internet! I'm Catherine.."
"This is cool.. Wait.. We already have views.." Aj said, staring at the screen. The number of views was 258, and growing rapidly.
"The Howell family is popular." Our dad, Phil laughed. "Congrats, guys!"
"Let's see the view-count on our separate channels..." We finished watching the Parent Tag and went to my channel. I had uploaded a singing video, entitled 'Toxic' and Aj played the piano.
"Wait... You can sing?" Phil asked. He looked at my other dad and said, "They got your musical ability.."
"I guess so, let's watch it." They kissed as I hit play.
"Hello Internet. My name is Catherine Howell, and that is my twin brother Aj at the piano. Say hey, 'Hey viewers'." I began singing in the video.
"Your voice is beautiful.. Why did you never tell us you could sing?" Our dad, Dan asked.
"I guess I just wanted to save my talents for when I could show it to the world...on my own. I know you could've uploaded videos of me singing, but I wanted my own channel to upload my talents to.." I explained.
"We're not gonna talk about my piano playing?" Aj laughed.
"Kid, I taught you how to play. You literally asked me to teach you when you saw me playing." Dan laughed.
My view-count was unbelievable: 508 and it had only been a few minutes. We checked back on our joint account and saw that it had increased from 258, to 805. Aj's piano video had 500 views.
"Aj.... We're YouTubers." I giggled.
"This is amazing... You have this many views and you haven't been YouTubers for a day yet." Our dads hugged us. "We're proud to be your parents."
"Hello?" Mum knocked on the door and opened it, peeking in.
"Mum!" Aj ran to her. "Did you see our videos?"
"You're YouTubers now, huh?" She hugged my brother and proceeded to hug me, too. "Hi sweetheart."
"Hi Mum."
"So lemme see these videos..." She got on the laptop and looked. "Whoa..."
"We're going viral." Aj laughed. "Phan kids are going viral."
"Yeah you are.. Wow.. You each have over three hundred thousand subscribers."
"Wait.. Seriously? We just uploaded.." I was shocked.
"Yeah. And your joint account has the same. Your Parent Tag video has almost five hundred thousand views.."
"WHAT?!" Our dads looked at the laptop. "Wow..."
"This is insanity." Aj laughed.
"How many views do our separate channels have?"
"Yours has four hundred thousand.. And Aj... It looks like yours has close to the same."
I hugged my mum. "I'm so happy.. But.."
"But what, honey?"
"We didn't film a video with you."
"Aw honey, you really don't have to.."
"No, no, no. Mum, we want to..."
Aj got the camera and we set up the tripod in the lounge where all three of our parents were.
"Hello Internet! Thank you guys so much for making our videos popular. We honestly didn't expect this quick of a review, but it's phenomenal!"
"Hey guys! Wait.. She already said it. Ugh.." Aj jokingly stormed off. "Just kidding." He popped back in and sat by me.
"Look who joined us!" I gestured to our mum.
"Catrific!" She introduced herself.
"She's our mum. Yes. Our mum. We literally have three YouTubers has parents..." I laughed.
"Meaning we also have a high quality camera and lighting.." Aj added.
"And we get to play with Dil and Tabitha."
"That's why there's new stuff in their house..." Dan laughed.
"Yeah, we thought Dad told you." Aj laughed.
He looked at Phil. "Oops?" He laughed.
"So this is our family." I gestured. "We may not be the normal family... But it's normal for us. It may get crazy in the Howell house."
"Yes, house. Phan moved before we were born."
"Yes, Aj. They know. They filmed a new house tour." I playfully shoved Aj, but he fell off the couch.
There was silence as Aj was lying on the floor.
"Oops? We're clumsy." I laughed. Our parents laughed, too as Aj got up and went to the back of the camera.
"Bye guys! See you next time!"
"See ya!"
We all waved and Aj turned the camera off.
"They're really professional.." Mum laughed.
"Yeah... We explained how to work the camera and all, but they already knew how to do everything. Catherine even edited the videos and made the outros. She designed the channels with ....Aj's input on color and design.." Our dads explained.
"Great job, guys." Mum hugged us. "Hey, I gotta go, but I'm right next door like always. You can come hang out sometime, if it's okay with your dads."
"Of course, but now..." Dan looked us. "Get in the bathroom and brush your teeth. It's getting late."

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now