Chapter Fourteen

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Dan's POV
My brother got home from school a few hours late, saying he was out with Angela.
"It's okay, you're late." I said. "Adrian... Do you really love her?"
"Yeah.. I think she's the one." He answered.
I looked at Phil. He nodded to me, telling me I should get the ring.
I went into our room and grabbed the box. When I went back to the lounge, I held the box behind my back.
"Adrian... If she's truly the one, you'll need something to show your love for her." I revealed the box. "Phil and I wanted to get you something for a graduation gift, but we realized... Angela is your love. True love is a gift itself. So.." I handed him the box and he unwrapped it.
"You got me a ring?" He said, looking at the engagement ring.
"Whenever you decide it's the right time, you'll have a specially designed ring.. For Angela." Phil smiled.
"Thank you guys. This is really thoughtful. I'm glad you gave this now and not after graduation."
I looked at Phil, then back at my brother. "Why is that?"
Adrian chuckled. "I'm one of the class valedictorians. She's the other one. As valedictorian, we were asked to write speeches. I talked to the school board and asked if we could stand up there, together and read our speeches." He smiled. "That's when I was going to propose. As she's walking back to her seat, thinking I'm following, I'll still be on stage and propose."
"That's really beautiful, buddy." Phil hugged him. "Did your brother ever tell you how he proposed?"
"In his wedding vows, he did. But a cactus?"
"Yeah." I smiled. "I thought it would be cute since Phil likes house plants." Phil slipped his arm in between me and my arm, and interlocked our fingers.
"I hope one day, Angela and I will be as happy as you two." He smiled at us.
"You kinda already are." Phil giggled.
Adrian looked at him with a confused look on his face.
"You've been getting pretty busy with her." Phil teased. Adrian's face went red as he blushed.
"Yeah... She's just so beautiful... I can't keep my hands off her."
"Just be responsible." I warned my little brother.
Before we knew it, it was Friday night. Since Angela's last name started with H, Adrian got to walk with her, arm in arm.
"They look so grown up...." Phil said. "I'm proud of him.." He looked at me and kissed me softly.
"I am, too."
"I would now like to call up the co-valedictorians, Adrian Howell and Angela Harper, to come give their speeches." The principal called them up.
I pulled out my camera and Phil and I stood up, unfolding the collapsible tripod. We quickly set it up and recorded the couple.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am Angela Morgan Harper. I've been going to this school for only two years, but I knew it was where I was meant to be." She looked at Adrian and smiled. "I met a few girls I am proud to call my friends, and I met the cute guy from my psychology class. He's right here!" She whispered and pointed to Adrian, who started to blush. "I met his brother and his family, and I was given the pleasure to beat Adrian's brother, and his now, brother-in-law at Mario Kart. I've been given the best two years of my life by going to this school. The people I've met and the memories I've made will always stay with me. And I have to announce... I got into the University of York! Thank you for the best years of my life. I love you guys. Thank you." She let Adrian give his speech.
"Hello, I'm Adrian Howell. I've been known at this school only by 'Dan Howell's brother' and 'Danisnotonfire's brother' and 'the kid whose brother does YouTube.' But I don't mind anymore. I met the one girl at this school who didn't care that Dan is my brother. She thought it was cool, but she loves me for me. I have never been loved that genuinely by anyone other than my older brother." He started to tear up a little.
"Back in January... I was nearly killed. The man who put my brother in the hospital took his aggression out on me. I'm lucky to have my brother and Phil in my life... They saved me. They literally saved me. And I'm lucky to have met Angela. The first day I walked into class and saw her sitting there, I didn't know what to do! And now, even though she completely destroyed my brother, Phil and me at Mario Kart, and tied with me on Halo.... I'm seriously in love with her. If I hadn't gone to this school, and taken the same class, I would've never met this girl. I saw her in the hallways last year, but I never paid attention to the beautiful girl in front of me. But now I am... And wow.. I'm glad she moved here. And I'm lucky she even noticed me. Thank you for making my high school years unbelievable. I'll be going to University of York as well."
Angela started walking back to her seat when Adrian pulled out the box.
The entire class went quiet. Angela looked around at the people in our class, then realized why they went silent.
"Angela Morgan Harper.... I love you." He was still at the podium. "I know we haven't been together long, but what I said at Dan and Phil's wedding, and everything before and after, I meant it. You're the best thing that ever happened to me... And I want you to be my one and only." He walked away from the podium and brought Angela to the middle of the stage.
"Angela..." He got down on one knee. "Will you please be my forever and marry me?" Adrian was tearing up.
"Yes... Yes... Yes of course!" He got up and they kissed.
Everyone cheered. Phil looked at me, tearing up. "I love you."
"I love you, too." I kissed him and held him close as we watched Angela and Adrian walk back to their seats.
The entire school staff was tearing up, along with nearly everyone else in the audience.
"That was beautiful Adrian. Congratulations, lovebirds." The principal said. The ceremony continued and it was time to give out diplomas.
Angela got her diploma, then Adrian's name was called and he got his diploma.
"It is now time for the valedictorians to lead the class in moving their tassels from the left, to the right of their caps."
Adrian and Angela got up and stood in front of their classmates, moving their tassels.
"Congratulations class of 2017!"
The audience cheered and Angela and Adrian walked from the stage, arm in arm.
"Congratulations, loves!" Phil hugged them. I was tearing up.
"Aw Dan.. Stop crying." Adrian teased. I hugged him tightly and messed up his hair. "I'm so proud of you, little bro."
We all went to the same restaurant we normally ate at.
"To the newly engaged," Phil raised his glass. "Cheers!"
"Cheers!" We all clicked our glasses together and took a drink.

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now