Chapter Nineteen

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It was 8 months later....
Dan's POV
Cat was 7 months pregnant with fraternal twins...a boy and a girl, and Phil and I were completely moved into our new home.
"I think the cribs should be close to each other. If they're anything like us, personality wise, they'll comfort each other." Phil said. His cute and soothing voice made me feel happy.
"I agree. And they will definitely be like us..." I wrapped my arms around him. "I can see it now. Two little kids, a boy, and a girl, their mother being one of our best friends.." I kissed his cheek.
"I hope at least one has my eyes..." He giggled.
"That'd be great... Another pair of striking blue eyes in the family.."
The nursery was perfectly made. There were blue and pink toys and stuffed animals on a shelf. Their cribs, right by each other, had a mobile of clouds and birds and spun, playing soothing nursery rhymes.
Time flew by and two more months past, while we created the room for our future children to grow up in, and I heard my phone ring in the other room. When I answered it, it was Cat.
"Dan.... They're coming.."
"Shit... Really?"
"Yes.. I'm going to the hospital right now."
I dropped the phone after hanging up. Running into the nursery, I yelled, "She's going into labour!"
We rushed to the hospital as quick as possible and found Cat's hospital room. It was happening.
"Here's your beautiful baby boy.... And baby girl.." The nurse handed us our kids.
"He... He has my eyes." Phil teared up.
"She does, too.." I kissed Phil. We let Cat hold them while we signed the papers.
"What're you going to name them?" She smiled as she knew she was now a mother to her British friends' kids.
"AJ... Adrian James Howell.. And Catherine Angela Howell." I wrote and then read aloud.
Cat started crying. "You named her after me?"
"Of course." Phil hugged her. "They will know who their mum is. And Catherine will live with the same name as you, and Angela as her middle name."
"And Adrian will live on through our son.. Adrian and Angela's funeral wasn't enough to keep their lives in our thoughts..." I kissed the heads of my children, and then Cat.
We got to bring Aj and Catherine home a week later and Cat announced that she was moving to England to be closer us, to be a part of her children's lives.
Fatherhood.... It meant we wouldn't be able to film every video without being interrupted by small children wanting their daddies, we wouldn't be able to sleep in as late (which was pure Hell for me), and our lives will be different from now on. We were ready for it.
Time surprisingly flies when you're changing diapers and trying to sleep while they were finally content and sleeping themselves. The first months weren't easy, but Cat was staying with us while Aj and Catherine were still breastfeeding. They were weaned off and given bottles by the time Cat was completely moved in to her new door to ours.
"Phil...." I woke up to crying. "Phil..." I had to hit him with a pillow.
"Holy Hell....Damn it..." He freaked out and fell off the bed before realizing it was time for another feeding. Most couples take turns while the other sleeps, but we found that was not going to work. When one of us would feed the twins, there would always be crying because the other dad was not there.
We got up and Aj needed a diaper change before eating.
"Aw bloody hell.... Adrian James... You're just like your uncle was!" I laughed as I changed my son, who left me a surprise in his diaper. Catherine ended up shitting while Phil fed her, so as I was putting Aj's new diaper on, he was pulling on Catherine's small amount of hair.
"He's going to be an interesting child...." I looked at Phil as he put a new diaper on Catherine and we held our kids. We rocked our kids in our arms until they finally fell asleep at 6a.m.
By that point, we were wide awake.
We went into our new kitchen and Phil made us pancakes. "We have approximately twenty to forty minutes before Catherine cries again." He said, flipping the pancake on the pan.
"And when one cries...."
"Both cry." We said simultaneously.
We ate the rest of our breakfast and I listened to the baby monitor while we watched television.
"Philly?" He looked up at me. "Have you realized that our son snores?"
"How do you know it's Aj?"
"His crib is closest to the monitor. Here, listen." He put his ear closer to the monitor. "The snoring is loud compared to little breathing noises in the background. Aj snores."
"That's adorable!"
"Phil... That means he's going to be an allergy prone kid... He has your trait."
Phil looked at me with an "oops?" expression as he giggled.
"They have your eyes, Aj has your allergies."
"Does that mean Catherine is going to have mainly your traits? She only has my eyes, and Cat's hair that we can see."
"Most likely.... She has my dimples and nose, while Aj is literally you in child form, with brown hair." I laughed.
The show we were watching is almost over when Phil completely stopped talking and went quiet.
"Wait...." Phil said, sitting and listened closely. "They're awake."
Our children were in fact awake. Neither one needed anything involving diapers or bottles.
They just wanted their fathers.

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now