Chapter Five

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Phil's POV
"So do you actually want to go into town... Or are you thinking about something else?" I climbed onto Dan's lap.
"Oh Phil." He said before suddenly jumping up and carried me into the bedroom. "You know me too well."
He ripped off my clothes, and I ripped off his.
"Fuck... Get it baby..." He screamed. "Get it in... Yes... Yes... Fuck!"
"What's my name?"
"Yeah, it is." I flipped Dan over and found myself going lower.
"Shit, I'm so hard..." Dan moaned.
I groped him as my tongue did the rest and Dan screamed. "Shit.... Shit... I'm almost there... I'm so close."
I gulped as I led myself back up his toned body. "Dan.."
"Fuck.... Fuck, Phil."
We finished up and laid together.
"Dan, can we talk about the wedding?" I whispered.
"Of course."
"I can't wait.." I kissed him hard. "Let's start planning."
"Start?" He smiled. "I already made the invitations, and your mum has a place for it to be held."
"You're so amazing. I'm so proud to be marrying you soon." I sucked on his neck. "Where's the wedding being held?"
"Lemme show you the invitation." He sat up and pulled up his boxers before standing. He walked over to a drawer in the wardrobe and pulled out an invitation.
"Dear insert guest name here, you are cordially invited to celebrate the union between Phillip Michael Lester and Daniel James Howell on April 25th, 2017. The wedding will be held at the location of where the two first met in 2009. Please RSVP by March 20th. Thank you, yours truly, the future Mr and Mr Howell." Dan read.
"I'm literally tearing up." I shot out of bed and jumped on him. "I'm excited."
"We have an appointment to pick out cakes and flower arrangements come on. Let's get ready." He sucked on my neck after pulling my shirt over my head. He pulled his jeans up and found his shirt. I buttoned up my jeans and we fixed our hair in the bathroom.
"You're beautiful, hubby-to-be." He kissed me.
"I love you."
We grabbed some food before leaving to meet with my mum outside the building.
"Hey Mum." I hugged her.
"Hello Philly. Are you excited?" She said.
"I showed him the invitations and told him that you helped schedule our appointment."
"Ah. April 25th, you're officially forever." She pulled us in a hugged.
"Let's go!" I cheered.
We arrived at the cake shop. "Hello, Dan and..." A lady behind the counter greeted us.
"Phil." I felt almost embarrassed.
"Oh I am so sorry. Yes, Dan and Phil. I'm Scarlet. I'll be helping you out today. And this must be Mrs Lester."
"Nice to see you again, Scarlet."
"So what are we thinking flavour-wise?"
"We're pretty simple." Dan slipped his fingers in between mine and held tightly.
"Does traditional vanilla work?"
"That sounds lovely." I smiled.
"I had an idea for the design.. A 2-tier cake with this design on top, and this on bottom." Dan pulled a paper out of his coat pocket. The designs were our bedspreads- Dan's black, white and grey checkered bedspread and my blue and lime one.
"We can do this. Do you want a cake topper?" Scarlet asked, smiling.
"Groom and groom, made to look like us." I answered.
She wrote down every detail. "Do you want any specific pose?"
I looked at Dan. Dan looked back, then smiled as he grabbed my hands, putting one on his waist, holding one in his. He tilted my head up a bit to lock lips with me and we held it.
"I'm assuming that's the position." My mum chuckled.
"I'll take a picture." Scarlet got out a camera and took our picture. We ended the kiss and she took a picture of our faces to eg every detail right.
"Wow..." She said as I laughed. "You have really blue eyes."
"Thank you, Scarlet." I chuckled.
"And yours are so deep and warm, Dan. This is going to be a beautiful cake."
We looked at each other and smiled as my head went into Dan's shoulder.
"Alright. Cake is planned. You want black/white/grey checkered on top tier, blue and lime on bottom, this picture made into a groom and groom cake topper. Perfect?"
"Perfect." I smiled.
"Alright. April 25th, is that correct?"
"I'll pick it up at 4p.m." My mum chimed in.
"Alright! Thank you for ordering. I'll be seeing more from you three later!" She smiled as we headed to the door.
"Oh and Dan, Phil?" We stopped and turned towards Scarlet.
"Thank you, dear." Dan smiled.
We left and went to the nursery around the corner. "Dan and Phil?" A man heard the door shut behind us.
"Yes, Harold?" Dan called.
"Ah, Daniel." He hugged him as he walked towards Dan and me.
"Harold, this is my fiancé, Phil."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Phil. I'm a good friend of Dan's mum."
"When I called, Harold heard another employee talking to a Dan on the phone and he took the phone from them."
I laughed.
"So what can I do for you boys?"
"We're getting married on April 25th, and we need flowers."
"Alright. I'm assuming you don't want to hold a bouquet." He winked.
"No... We were thinking maybe boutineers."
"I got just the thing." He got up and went into the back. "What type of flowers?"
I looked at Dan. "You can pick" he said, kissing me.
"Maybe roses?"
"Traditional or other?"
He walked out holding two boutineers, made beautifully with sleek black ribbon, and red roses. "To your liking?"
"Absolutely." Dan said.
"They're beautiful."
"You said, April 25th?" He wrote.
"When will you need them?"
"I'm picking up the cake at 4p.m." My mum said. "So I'll come by before going to pick up the cake."
"Alright. Congratulations, boys. You're getting married!"
"Yay!" Dan squeezed me. My mum laughed, "You two are silly. Thank you Harold. I'll see you again."
We left to go back to the apartment. "I'll let you two have your time before Adrian gets home. Love you, Philly."
"Love you, too, Mum."
"Love you!" Dan joined in.
Mum chuckled and left.
Adrian walked in right after. "Not much time!" She laughed as she let Adrian in.

Forever Yours, Daniel ✹ Phan (Sequel to House Plants)Where stories live. Discover now