Can A Bird Trust A Cat? (A Young Justice FanFic)

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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing.


****The girl was running. It was night, around 1 a.m. Behind her, a two-story building stood, all the windows dark. She had dark brown, almost black, hair that reached her shoulder blades. Her eyes were chocolate-brown, and had a strange intensity swimming in them. On her back was a backpack, filled with food, water, and a map of Gotham. Suddenly, she was surrounded by police, their blue and red lights blinding her. Determined to escape, she ducked into an alleyway and the lights vanished. Her eyes adjusted to the sudden darkness, and she took in her surroundings. She noticed a strange shadow approaching, and she formed a defensive stance.

"Hey, wha'cha doin' in my alley?" the shadow said. She didn't reply. "Hey, girl, you awake or just stupid? I said to get out'a my alley!"****


Hello! This is my first story, so I welcome feedback. Even if it's mean. I'll try to update regularly, but I have school and stuff so I might get busy. Anyways, vote, comment, and possibly follow me! ^_^

~~~The Bat has left the room~~~

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