Chapter Thirty-Two

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DISCLAIMER: Yada yada yada, I own nothing DC related, yada yada yada....


Forget my heels, I thought to myself as I ran up the stairs, flinging the shoes behind me. I guessed where Dick was, and I stopped outside his door, suddenly afraid. Would he reject me? I mentally slapped myself at my remark, sounding girlier than ever. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door.

"Dick? Look, there's something that I need to talk you about. What I said back came out wrong," I stated through the door. When I got no reply, I turned the doorknob and, finding that it was unlocked, opened the door. There he was, sitting on his bed, turned the other way. "Dick?"

"What," he stated, expressionless.

"You can't call me crazy when I tell you this, and you have to trust me. I know I haven't exactly been telling you the truth, but you have to hear me out." He didn't reply. "I know you're Robin." Almost immediately after I said that, Dick turned with wide eyes to face me. Then he got up and walked past me, shutting the door and then turning around.

"How did you figure out?" Success.

"I'm not really sure. The pieces just fit together suddenly," I stated. There was silence for a minute or two, before Dick spoke again.

"What you said outside the door, about how what you said came out wrong...what did you mean?"

"It's ironic, really, but the guy I'm you. Or, Robin, I guess," I confessed. If it was possible, his eyes grew even wider than when I told him I knew about his identity.


"The one and only," I replied. It literally felt like the 100-pound weight on my shoulders disappeared after I told him the truth, but nervousness soon crept into its place. Dick's face was blank, but he soon wrapped his arms around me, and I did the same, smiling. He wasn't mad! We broke apart, and he stuck his hands in his pockets, shyly smiling.

"So....does this mean we're together?" he asked, looking at me with hope filled blue eyes.

"Why wouldn't it?" I replied, and we kissed. At that moment, we were not Robin and Catgirl, nor Dick and Nessie. We were And I loved it.


Soon, it was the morning of the last day of school before Winter Break. I had almost everything I ever wanted....key word almost. I still needed to talk to Selena about my offer to join the Team. Today was the day I was finally going to tell her. Luckily, she happened to be up early, feeding her cats. Before I could get a word out, though, she said something first.

"We have about $20 left. Time for another gig," she told me. No, this wasn't happening. I couldn't steal anything else because I wasn't a villain's apprentice anymore.

"About that..." I started. "I can't."

"And why would that be?"

"I was offered a spot on the Team, called Young Justice," I stated. She set the cat food down, still turned away from me.

"Bats had told me about a team of sidekicks he was in charge of. But they're heroes. You're not a hero."

"I could be. Selena, I can't steal anything else. I can't be Catgirl anymore. At least, not YOUR Catgirl."

"So be it," she stated. I was shocked. She was okay with this?

"You're not mad?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad? One less mouth to feed," she told me calmly. I knew it.

"You're kicking me out, aren't you?"

"I told you right when you first got here, that as long as you stayed here, you were my partner in crime. But if you want to become a hero, you'll have to become one under someone else's roof." This didn't seem real. Was it another hallucination? I touched one of the cats, and finding that my fingers didn't pass through the cat's tail, realized that this was reality. Silently, I walked to my room and got out my school bag, my only bag for that matter. I was already dressed for the Academy, and if I didn't leave soon, I would miss the subway. Folding everything as neatly as I could, I managed to fit everything except for my Converse in my bag. I would have to carry them. I guess I would be living in the Team's mountain now. I didn't want a goodbye, I just wanted to get out of there and leave. I had done it multiple times before...why was it so hard to leave this time? Walking to the door, I stepped out and started to shut it behind me when I felt something preventing it from closing. Turning around, I released the handle and faced Selena. She was holding out $2.50.

"For the subway fare," she stated, and I took it, not looking her in the eyes as I walked down the hall.

"Oh, and Vanessa?" she asked, and I stopped to look into her green eyes one last time.


"I'm sorry it had to end this way. But don't worry, you'll be in good hands soon." Selena closed the door, and I sighed and walked to the stairs. What did she mean about me being in good hands...soon?


On one hand, we have a happy chapter. On the other hand, we have a sad chapter. Hmm...I'll combine them!

Sorry for the cliffy....this story is almost over, and I had to have at least one more cliffhanger. *cries tears*

Thank you to everyone who has supported me in any way, whether or not you're following me, voting, commenting, or even just reading! I am in SO much appreciation towards all of you. :)

~~The Bat has left the room~~

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