Chapter Twenty-Five

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Today was a rare Saturday where I didn't have anything to do. It was evening, and I really didn't want to go to the mall or whatever normal girls do. So I was stuck as Selena's apartment, staring at my phone and wondering if I should text Dick. He was probably busy, I kept telling myself, and I didn't want to bother him. Sighing, I went into the living room and sank into the worn couch, clicking on the TV. The news was all that was on, so I settled on that. Out of nowhere, I heard this strange...chanting, of some kind. Then the news anchor vanished from the screen, and the TV went fuzzy. Raising an eyebrow, I tried switching channels, but each one was static and nothing else.

"Selena?" I called. "The TV's not working." There was no reply. "Selena?" She was last in the kitchen, so I went in there to see where she was. Nobody was in the room. "Hello?!" I heard screaming and crying coming from outside, and I quickly ran to the fire escape and looked down. All I saw were kids, no adults anywhere. Running back inside, I picked up my phone and dialed Dick's number. I chewed on my nails while it was dialing, praying that he would pick up. Sure enough, I heard a familiar voice on the other end.

"Nessie! You okay?" he asked.

"Um, no. What the hell is going on?!"

"I'm not sure yet. Just try to round up as many kids as you can, especially the younger ones. They're probably freaking out the most," he replied.

"O-okay," I nervously stammered. What was going on?

"Look, I have to go. Just...keep traught."


"Opposite of distraught. Bye." I heard a click on the other end, and then silence. Maybe kids would listen to me more if I wasn't Vanessa. Time for Catgirl to emerge.


"Hello? Anybody need help?" I shouted. I had been roaming around the nearly deserted streets of the bad side of Gotham for about thirty minutes, but all of the kids had long ran away from here in fear. Straining my ears for the slightest noise, I finally heard a weak yell. I followed the sound to a narrow alleyway, and I didn't believe my eyes for a moment. Jason Todd was laying down on the ground, his leg bent at an odd angle and surrounded by blood. Gasping, I ran over to him and put his limp body in my arms.

"Jason? Jason, are you okay?!" I asked over and over. He was breathing, thank God, but was unconscious. As if he could sense I was there, his green eyes fluttered open and grew wide as he saw me.

"Who are you? Get away from me!" He struggled against my grasp, and was soon yelling and screaming in pain at his leg.

"Relax, Jason. It's Vanessa."

"Yeah right."

"I'll prove it to you," I pulled off my mask to reveal my face, and he soon broke into a smile, but cried out in agony as he moved his leg. I quickly put my mask back on. "What happened to you?"

"Not quite sure. One minute I was fighting off a group of street thugs, and then the biggest of them blocked my kick with his knee. Snapped my shin in two. As soon as I fell to the ground, all of them disappeared. That was when I passed out from the pain of my leg, and then you showed up," he explained. I could see the bone sticking out of his leg, and my first instinct was to call 911, just like they taught you when you were young. Pulling out my cell phone, I put in the three numbers and was met with the sound of an incomplete call. Of course. There was no operators around, because there were no adults.

"Look, all of the adults on the planet just disappeared. No one knows why. Which means that the hospitals will be of no use to your leg," I told Jason. My mind was scrambling for a solution, because I sure didn't know how to take care of a broken leg. Then it hit me: the Team. I'll go to Mount Justice. "C'mon." I helped Jason up, being mindful of his leg.

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