Chapter Thirty-Three

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"It looks like your bag is about to explode," Dick commented as we walked through the halls, hand in hand. People were staring, and some girls glaring, but my mind was still recovering from being kicked out of Selena's apartment to care. "Plus, why do you bring Converse?"

"Selena kicked me out this morning," I muttered. Dick's eyes grew wide.

"God, Nessie. I'm so sorry. Did you talk to her about the Team?"

"Yeah. Obviously she didn't take it well," I replied. "So I guess I'll be living at the mountain now." He squeezed my hand and smiled at me.

"We'll go get the rest of your stuff after school and I'll take you there," he stated, and I laughed.

"This IS all my stuff."

"Okay, then we'll just head to the mountain after school then. You ready for our skit in Acting?"



I had fought gangs of thugs, lived with Catwoman, and got mind controlled to kill the Team. Who would have guessed I had stage fright? Well, I did. My stomach felt like I was on a roller coaster (which I had never been on, but I guessed the feeling), and my palms were sweating. Dick and I had decided to do the scene from Romeo and Juliet where they both die, only modernized. So no fancy dresses or anything like that.

"Bravo, Emily and Kylie! Alright, next up is Richard and Vanessa," Mr. Jordan stated. We were in the auditorium of the school, performing on the stage. I bit my lip as the both of us walked onto the stage.

"Nervous?" Dick asked me.

"A little bit," I admitted.

"You have nothing to worry about. We'll do great," He must have noticed that I wasn't convinced. "To help, I have your Christmas gift ready."

"Really?" I had only gotten two Christmas gifts in my life. Both were from different foster families: a pair of hand-me-down socks and some needle and thread to repair holes in the families' clothes.

"Yep. You'll love it." He smiled at me. We were preparing ourselves when the principal walked in and went to talk to Mr. Jordan. They whispered for a minute or two before Mr. Jordan spoke.

"Vanessa? The principal wants to talk to you," he stated. I blanched, immediately thinking the worst: I was going to lose my scholarship. "She says it's important." I looked at Dick, and his eyes were full of confusion, probably similar to mine.

"It's probably something minor. Just stay whelmed. I'll see you later," he whispered to me, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and smiling at me.

"Okay," I replied, then got off the stage and walked out of the auditorium with the principal. I think her name was Mrs. Carroll, or something like that.

"Don't look so scared! You're not in any trouble of any kind," she stated, smiling at me. I didn't smile back.

"Then why do you want to see me?"

"You have a visitor, Ms. Edwards," A visitor? Who the hell would visit me? We soon reached her office (matching the niceness of the school very well) and I saw a man with brown hair, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter. "I'm afraid you can't smoke in here, Mr. Edwards." Did she mean to say Ms. instead of Mr.? But I wasn't smoking....what was going on? The man shrugged and pocketed them, then turned to face me. He had similar eyes to mine, and when he smiled, he had nearly the same creases that I got in my cheeks when I smiled. Wait...who was this man? He couldn't be....

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