Chapter Five

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DISCLAIMER: Seriously. I own nothing. :l


"What was that back there?!" I exclaimed when we were safely inside Selena's apartment.

"What was what?" Selena asked, clueless as she pulled off her mask.

"Um, the whole kissing thing between you and Batman!"

"Oh, that. It was nothing."

"Sure didn't look like it."

"Well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." Selena pulled out the Cat's Eye then. I had completely forgotten that that was our whole objective.

"No wonder everybody says that you always slip between Batman's fingers. How much is it worth?" I asked. It was a huge diamond, about the size of an average doorknob in diameter, and was shaped like, well, a cat's eye. She studied it for a moment before answering my question.

"I would say about...25 million."

"25 million dollars?!" I couldn't believe it. "But how are we going to get money for it? Gotham will know that it was stolen probably tomorrow!"

"Let's just say that I have friends." Selena left it at that.

"How much am I going to get?"

"What are you going to use it for?"

"Well, clothes of my own, and maybe a phone?" I couldn't stop thinking of all the things I was going to buy with this much money.

"Then I'll give you a thousand."

"Wow! A thou- wait. You said that you would give me half of what the diamond was worth."

"You wouldn't use that much money. We need it for necessities like rent and food."

"Still. You lied to me."

"When you need money, I'll give it to you. But right now, we're saving it." Selena told me. I was acting spoiled, now that I thought about it. I should be grateful that I had a thousand dollars, because the most I had ever held in my life was ten bucks that I found on the sidewalk one day.

"Okay," I sighed. She seemed surprised that I wasn't protesting any longer. "When will I be able to have the money?"

"The end of this week at the latest. Now, if you'll excuse me, I would like to go and admire my prize, and make a few phone calls." Selena then walked to her room.

"Phone calls? At one in the morning?" I asked, but she didn't reply. She did that a lot. When she doesn't want to talk anymore, she won't talk anymore.


All the adrenaline from an hour ago was stuck in my system and keeping me up. That, and my head couldn't stop working at finding a solution for why Batman had let us get away with a multi-million dollar diamond. Plus, the fact that school started in about a month, and I didn't know how in the hell I was going to sneak to school without Selena finding out. I was tempted to tell her that I was planning on attending a school, but then the question of which school I was thinking about would pop up, followed by me admitting that I had gotten a Wayne Foundation Scholarship. I leaned my head against the rail of the fire escape. Ever since Selena had brought me into her life, I had always loved sitting on the cold metal. It just helped me think. I hadn't changed out of my costume because, one, I liked it, two, it was actually mine and not Selena's, and three, I just didn't feel like changing. Why couldn't my mind be at ease for once? And why couldn't I get what Robin said out of my head?

"You don't have to do this. We can help you!" Now that I thought about this, I realized he was right. I didn't have to do this. But which was worse: living on the streets, or living with Catwoman?


What up? I'm not going to update on weekends, because I usually have no homework then and thus can't procrastinate from it and post another chapter. ;)

Anyways. Vote. Comment. Follow me. Whatever makes you feel happy.

~~The Bat has left the room~~

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