Chapter Nineteen

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DISCLAIMER: Nessie and Hallucination are the only fictional characters that I own. Everything else...nothing for me.


The first thing I saw when I awoke were my parents. And they were leaving.

"Wait! I'm over here! Come back!" I cried out before they faded away. This didn't make any sense. Why was I still experiencing the effects of Fear Gas? I wasn't sprayed with it just now.

"Do you like my new experiment?" Scarecrow stepped into my line of vision.

"What did you do to me?" I said in a low voice.

"I've invented a Fear Gas that lasts forever. And you're my test subject. I'm going to use this version of my masterpiece on the team of sidekicks," Scarecrow announced. A Fear Gas that lasted forever? Perfect. I suddenly remembered the video sent to the Team. They were probably on their way by now, and Scarecrow would dump the Forever Fear Gas on them, where they would be infected with it for eternity. And I would never get out of here. My stomach growled, and I tried to remember when I had last eaten. Maybe I would just die of starvation, if not dehydration first.

"They're here," Hallucination said to Scarecrow, walking in. "Time to gas the place."

"Won't you two be affected by it?" I asked.

"Our masks have filters on them. Unfortunately, yours does not, and neither does your 'saviors'," Hallucination smirked at me.

"Shut up," I muttered. All of a sudden, the air filled with the gas, and I sputtered and coughed. Through the fumes, I could make out Scarecrow, and he suddenly fell to the floor. What was going on? I heard gunfire, and then Robin appeared. "Oh my God, you're here! Please, get me out of this place!" But he just stood there, looking at me, and his face twisted in disgust.

"Why would I want to save YOU? How do I know that you're not just lying to me again?" he said angrily. The room started spinning, and suddenly I was back in Ms. Erikson's House for Orphaned Girls, in a room with bed after bed stretching along the walls. My old room. Only, there was no one there. There was no one anywhere, and no sign of Robin.

"H-hello?" I tried to stand up, but my legs collapsed to the ground. Looking around, I saw no one. Not one soul around. I turned my head again and almost had a heart attack. Robin was standing in front of me, and was surrounded by everyone I had ever met. They stood there for a couple of seconds before slowly shuffling out the door at the far end of the room, each glaring at me. "Wait! Don't leave me here! PLEASE!" I yelled, struggling to get up. I tried to grab onto one of the people's ankles, a girl from the orphanage, but my hand went through her. Then I began to cry; hot tears streamed out from under my mask and starting to flood the room. I was crying myself a river, literally, and I was going to drown in my own tears. Squeezing my eyes shut, I sobbed and sobbed and held my head in my hands, on the verge of going insane from fear.

"Catgirl. Snap out of it. Catgirl!" A voice said, and I opened my eyes. My vision was blurry, but I could make out black hair and a domino mask. I was back in the warehouse-like room, and Robin was in front of me, looking worried and scared and sad all at the same time. This had to be another illusion, this HAD to be another illusion...

"You're not real! Go away!" I screamed, covering my head with shaking hands.

"I'm real! Catgirl, it's not an illusion. I'm here," Robin said to me. Cautiously, I uncovered my face and reached my hand out to touch his face. As soon as I knew my hand didn't go through him, I sat up and clung onto him for dear life. Very quickly, he wrapped his arms around me as well as I sobbed into his chest. After what seemed like ages, we broke apart, and I knew that I was going to get out of here safely.

"How are you not being affected by the Fear Gas?" I asked, my voice thick from crying.

"I've dealt with the Scarecrow many times, so I know to take the antidote before I visit him." Robin smiled, and I tried to smile back, only to have my lip split and start to bleed. "You are SO dehydrated. We have to get you back to the mountain."

"Where's Scarecrow?" I asked, my lip stinging.

"Knocked out."

"And Hallucination?"

"Knocked out as well. I'm going to go get Superboy, so that he can carry you to the ship," Robin said to me, getting up and starting to walk away.

"Wait! Don't leave!" I cried out, on the verge of having another panic attack. He stopped suddenly, and turned around. "Don-don't-" I couldn't talk then, as my ears were filled with a WHEEEE sound and my vision was going in and out. The last thing I saw was Robin rushing toward me as my head hit the floor.


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~~The Bat has left the room~~

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