Chapter Ten

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DISCLAIMER: I honestly don't think I was alive in 1939, when the whole 'Batman' thing started up. Nor am I responsible for creating a team of sidekicks hoping to become superheroes. Just saying...


My acting teacher was, well, different. Instead of walking into the classroom and introducing himself like a normal teacher would, he about gave the whole class a heart attack by, ironically, pretending to have a heart attack. After everyone was convinced that it was fake, he switched into normal-teacher mode and introduced himself as Mr. Jordan. And, to my devastation, I learned that Dick, of all people, was in the same class as me.

"Now, I would like to get to know all of you and match faces with names. So when your name is called, I want you to get up in front of the class and say your name and something interesting about yourself," Mr. Jordan explained. Most of the class groaned, including me. My plan for staying under the radar had officially burst into flames and flown out the window. "Keyla, why don't you start us off?" A girl with dark brown hair got up and walked to the front.

"Um, hi, I'm Keyla and to draw?" she said, then sat down.

"Good. Elena, you're next," Mr. Jordan told the next girl, a brunette with a pixie haircut. And that's how it continued, with students walking up and introducing themselves. I doubted I would remember any of these people, as I was too focused on what I was going to say when it was my turn.

"Vanessa? You're up," Mr. Jordan said. I slowly got up and made my way to the front of the room.

"Uh, I'm Vanessa, and I, um..." My mind scrambled for a response. The whole class was staring at me, and I felt so uncomfortable that I started to blush. Then I found myself locking eyes with Dick. Remembering our conversation at lunch, I said the first thing that came to my mind. "I'm here on a full scholarship." I then rushed to sit down, my face a deep red.

"Well, that certainly is interesting. Welcome to Gotham Academy, Vanessa." Mr. Jordan smiled at me. "How do you like it here?"

"It's, um, big. And...a ton nicer than my old school." I replied.

"Good! Scott, your turn." Mr. Jordan continued on with all the students, but what I said was slowly coming back to me. Why had I just said that? And why, out of all people, did I choose to stare at Dick? I was regretting that now, because I noticed that he was staring at me with a little smirk on his face. I had no idea how I was going to survive this class for the entire school year.


Gym may be most people's worst nightmare, but I honestly didn't mind it that much. For one, girls wore shorts and T-shirts, and two, I was a fairly active person. Another bonus was that Barbara was in the class, as well as put on my team for dodgeball. Why was it that dodgeball was always played in gym class?

"So, how're you settling in?" Barbara asked, barely missing a red rubber ball aimed for her face.

"Eh, good I guess. I've gotten lost a couple of times, to be honest," I admitted. We kept talking and dodging, occasionally throwing a ball back at the other team. Soon, it was just us two against four boys who looked like you couldn't knock them down if you threw bricks at them. And, of course, they had to have all fifteen dodgeballs on their side. They began pelting them at us, and Barbara got whacked in the leg. With her out, I did what I knew best: martial arts. I jumped over a ball, then rolled to the side and picked up a ball that was just thrown. Now all the dodgeballs were on my side, and I evilly grinned at the boys before throwing a ball into the air and roundhouse-kicking it directly at the first guys' face, followed by the other three. The teacher blew his whistle, and then the final bell of the day rang. Everyone went to the locker rooms, and I had to change back into the dreaded skirt. But before I could walk out of the door and be done with my first day, Barbara stopped me.

"Where did you learn those moves?" she asked.

"What moves?"

"Um, duh. The flipping and kicking and all that."

"Oh. I, um, was in, uh, gymnastics at my old school," I lied. Street fighting was not exactly learned in school.

"Cool. You should think about joining gymnastics here. We could use a person like you." Barbara dug around in her bag for a minute, then pulled out a flyer and handed it to me. It portrayed a girl with a beautiful smile standing on her hands upside down, and said 'JOIN GYMNASTICS!' with the first date on the bottom. "It's an after school club, and it's held on Thursdays, starting next Thursday. You look like you have real potential. See you later!" She then rushed off, her red hair bouncing as she walked. I looked at the flyer again and stared at the smiley-girl on the page. Rolling my eyes, I stuffed it in my jacket pocket and proceeded to my locker.


The first thing I did when I got to Selena's apartment (I was still having trouble calling it 'home') was change out of the uniform I was wearing and into sweats. Then I proceeded to the table in the living room to try and figure out what to do about all the signatures that were required to be signed by a parent or guardian. I had no idea that these were given out to each student, as I grew up in a school that knew that none of its students had any parents.

"Hey, Selena?" I called. She appeared in the hallway.

"You're back," was all she said.

"Very observant of you. I was wondering if you could sign-"

"Like I said before. I'm not involved in any of your school stuff. You're doing this on your own."

"What about the subway fare for today?"

"That's not school-related. That's just getting you there and back." She then left and disappeared into her room. I let out a sigh. Times like these I wished I had parents. Pulling out a pen from the drawer on the table, I took off the cap and tried to think of a name for my mother, whom I was going to create a signature for.! A million different names ran through my head, but none of them seemed to fit just right. I settled for Kora, and signed 'Kora Edwards' on the various papers. The back of my mind said to not do this, that making up an identity was illegal and that I would get in trouble.. But I shut it out. After all, wasn't I in enough trouble as it was?


I am SO, so sorry for the week wait. Sickness has descended upon me, along with homework and many other things. How many times have I thanked my readers for sticking with me and continuing to read this? I've lost count, but I'm saying it again. THANK YOU!!

Vote, comment, maybe even follow me? I have an idea that I might make into a short story sometime. Something about the Team going bowling? *mischievous grin*

~~The Bat has left the room~~

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