Chapter Four

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DISCLAIMER: Who, me? I own nothing.


This was the night. The night that I had been dreading for weeks. The night that my life would change forever. The night that we would be stealing the Cat's Eye diamond. Catwoman and I were perched on the roof of May's Jewelry & Co., watching the last worker leave and close up the store. I felt weird wearing my new suit. It consisted of knee-high black boots, dark grey skin tight pants, and a grey shirt with no sleeves, cut and sewn to perfection. I also had on black gloves that went just past my elbow, with grey fingers. The collar to the leotard went about halfway up my neck. My eyes were covered by a black cat mask, complete with ears, and my hair was pinned back so it wouldn't get in my face while I was fighting. A grey belt was also sitting on my waist, containing throwing stars, smoke grenades, and everything else you needed to have with you while you were stealing a priceless diamond. And to top off the cat-look, there were scratch marks all over my shirt and pants (purposely cut out). I had to admit, I looked good. No one would recognize me in this (it wasn't like I knew anybody, either.) The worker turned a corner, and he was out of sight. It was a little past midnight as we climbed down from the roof towards the back of the store. This jewelry store wasn't your typical shop-like store. It was massive, one of the only two located in Gotham.

"Remember the plan?" Catwoman drilled me again.

"Yep. You steal the diamond while I'm a lookout for the police or the Dynamic Duo. If they show up, I tell you, and we prepare for a huge fight, or disappear," I recited. "Remember our deal?"

"What, about you getting half of the money from the diamond?"

"Um, yeah. You'd better keep your promise."

"Relax. Everything's going to go perfectly."

"That's what everybody says, and then they get arrested," I muttered as I picked the lock on the back door with a bobby pin from my hair. I had always been good at hacking and things like that. The door opened with a creak, and I winced, hoping that nobody heard the sound.

"Like I said before. Relax." Catwoman gave me a death glare before walking into where the jewelry was kept. I put the pin back and fell into step behind her. When she noticed I was following her, she stopped me. "Stay here and keep lookout."

"Fine," I shot back, then Catwoman left the room. I studied the room I was in. It looked like the inside of an empty warehouse, with nothing in it but a few boxes and crates. I guessed this was where they got their deliveries. Then I noticed the trip wire by the door we just went through. "Oh no." We had set off a silent alarm. I ran to the room Catwoman was in. She was busy at work trying to get the diamond out of the glass without shattering it.

"I thought I told you to stay-" she began, but I cut her off.

"We set off a silent alarm," I warned her. A look of alarm flashed on her face for not even a second before it was replaced by a smirk.

"Looks like we've got company," she stated, but she wasn't looking at me when she said it. I whipped around to see Batman and Robin standing there. "I was wondering when you'd get here, Bats."

"Selena, who is this?" Batman asked.

"He knows your name?" I exclaimed.

"Catgirl," Catwoman both replied to Batman and gave me an order. "Keep in mind why I hired you." She motioned to Robin, just standing there, bewildered.

"Oh. Right." I stuttered before walking over to Robin.

"Why are you working for Catwoman?" Robin asked me. I wanted to tell him that I had no other choice, but I couldn't do that.

"Same reason you're working for Batman. Because I want to." Complete lie. I then tried to kick him in the face, but he grabbed my ankle before my foot made contact. Okay, so maybe he was a little smarter than street thugs. But I had taken people down twice his size before. I could take down a guy who was only a couple of inches shorter than I was.

"You don't have to do this. We can help you!" he told me, keeping a firm grip on my ankle while I struggled.

"Like I want your help." I kicked him with my other leg, making him drop my other one and me to fall flat on my back. I jumped to my feet immediately and kicked his legs out from under him, sending him onto the ground. I placed my foot on top of his chest, pinning him there. He smirked at me, then grabbed my foot and twisted it, making me lose my balance. I fell to the floor, and he rolled on top of me, pinning my arms down.

"Stay still!" Robin yelled. Well, this was awkward. I blushed, then looked over to where Batman and Catwoman were, their lips locked.

"Are you kidding me?" I cried out. They broke apart, but they didn't seem to hear me.

"Time to go," Catwoman told me, still looking at Batman.

"Um, a little busy at the moment!" I retorted, trying to break free.

"Let her go, Robin." Batman sounded like he was in a trance as he said it. A look of confusion passed onto Robin's face, as did mine.

"Sorry?" Robin asked. I took that moment to push away from him and get up, running out the door with Catwoman. I threw a smoke grenade behind me. It exploded, and we ran and managed to get on the roof. I was surprised we made it out of there, but what was even more surprising was what I heard Batman say to Robin back there. Now I knew why Catwoman never got caught.


The long-awaited fight scene! Not much to say, so y'all know the drill. Vote, comment, follow, all that good stuff.

~~The Bat has left the room~~

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