Epilogue- Part Two

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DISCLAIMER: For once last time, I own nothing and nobody but Nessie and Hallucination.....


I knocked on the door, suddenly feeling nervous. Would Dick recognize me? Would he be mad at me that I had left, or would he forgive me? And what would he look like? Surely he had changed a little bit. I heard the door unlock on the other side, and then it opened. At first I didn't recognize the man behind the door, but I saw his eyes and knew that it was Dick. He was over six feet tall and more muscular. His hair was a little longer than I remembered it, but it was messy all the same. He was dressed in a flannel shirt and jeans with Converse. Dick studied my face, then blanched. He recognized me.

"Hey," was all I said. He didn't smile or show any expression whatsoever.

"Nessie?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm back," I smiled, and he stood there, just staring at my face. Probably not believing that I was back. Eventually, he smiled back.

"Well. Long time, no see," he stated. "Come inside." He held open the door for me and I stepped inside the apartment. It was much like Selena's, only a little tidier and a little bigger. Still, the resemblance was striking. Dick led me to a small table and I sat down.

"Would you like something to drink or anything?"

"No, I'm fine." He had changed a lot, maturity-wise. Maybe I had, too. Cancer can change people. Dick went and sat down in the chair next to me.

"So. Where have you been?"


"For five years."

"Yeah." There was silence for awhile. "I met and talked to Tim."


"Yep. He told me that you weren't Robin anymore."

"I go by Nightwing now. Instead of red, yellow, and black, I wear black and blue," he smiled at me, but it was a sad smile. "I've missed you, Vanessa."

"Not as much as I've missed you."

"I find that hard to believe," Dick smirked. He seemed so happy to see me. Little did he know that I had cancer and that I was slowly dying.

"Tim also told me about Jason," I stated, my throat clenching up. I would not cry. Dick looked away, staring into space. It took him a minute to speak again.

"Jason died about a year and a half ago. He went with Batman to go fight Joker. Normally, they would have gotten a little beat up, arrested the Joker, and threw the clown back into Arkham. But...Jason ran ahead. Joker took him to an old warehouse. Beat him up pretty bad, with internal bleeding and everything. But that wasn't all. The psychopath locked Jason in the warehouse, fully aware that the building was set to explode. Batman rushed over there as fast as he could. But he was seconds too late. Then...boom," At that point, tears were silently falling from my eyes. Dick chose that moment to look over at me, and soon his arms were wrapped around me.

"I never should have left. I was stupid," I whispered into Dick's chest after I had composed myself.

"You weren't stupid. If my dad had shown up, I would have gone with him. Although I would have said goodbye to everybody first," Dick said softly. I pushed away from him and stood up.

"Look, I have never been good at saying goodbyes. I couldn't bear to see your heartbroken face when I told you that I was leaving. And I was stupid to just write you a note, I know. But I suck at saying final goodbyes! I'm sorry..." I suddenly said, slightly raising my voice. "That's what makes this so hard." Dick's face changed suddenly, a look of confusion across his face.

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