Chapter Six

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DISCLAIMER: I'm running out of ideas for saying that I own nothing...


I ended up telling Selena about the letter, mainly because she had found it and demanded a full explanation on where I had gotten it from.

"So you want to go to a school that just left you a letter in the middle of a deserted alley?" Selena was not happy. In fact, I had never seen her this upset before.

"Yes, I do. It's a full scholarship! I don't want to not go to school for the rest of my life!" I argued.

"Most kids would be saying the opposite of that."

"Yeah, well, I'm not 'most kids'! I haven't ever been to a decent school in my life! This is all I'm asking for!"

"It's a Wayne Foundation Scholarship. Maybe he knows..."

"Who knows?"


"Why can't you ever let me in? Why can't you ever trust me in anything?"

"There are some things that you are better off in not knowing!"

"Like what? You being in a relationship with Batman? Because I already know that!"

"It's not that!!" Selena yelled at me. She had never yelled before, that I had heard. And here I was, yelling at her when all she had done for me was feed me, provide shelter for me. I felt like such a...well...bad person, to put it lightly.

"Look, I'm sorr-" I began.

"Get out." Selena was not looking at me when she said it.


"Get out!" My eyes grew wide, then they narrowed.

"Fine!" I stormed off, heading to the window and climbing up the fire escape. Soon, I was on the roof. Most of me assumed that she needed to clear her head, that she would let me in again. But there was a part of me that said that this was permanent. After all, she had gotten what she wanted, right? She wouldn't need me anymore. It was night, around 11 pm. Well, if she did kick me out, then I would still go to the Academy, regardless if I was homeless or not. It would just be a lot harder. I sat on the edge of the roof and buried my face in my hands. Tears were beginning to form in my eyes, and I wasn't sure why. I couldn't remember the last time I had cried. Growing up in the worst orphanage in Gotham makes you learn how to be tough, hard as stone.

I could make out the moon overhead, although it was blurry due to my eyes being filled with tears. But soon, the moon became covered up with dark clouds, and it began to rain shortly after. It wasn't heavy, like most rain in Gotham, but just a light drizzle. Even with the rain, it was easy for me to see a young boy by a car, taking off the tires of it. I also saw two huge guys coming towards him. I had never been the type to do something like this out of good will, but I figured he would need help in taking those men out. Wiping my eyes with the back of my hand, I got up and slowly crept down the fire escape, making no noise thanks to Selena. When I got to the ground, the boy had noticed the thugs, and they had noticed the boy. I stayed hidden in the shadows, only intending to jump in if it turned ugly.

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