Chapter Seven

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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. Except my version of Catgirl (Vanessa Edwards).


I still couldn't believe that Selena was letting me attend Gotham Academy. And that she was letting me stay in her apartment still. It had been a week since I had taken Jason to the diner. I knew that he couldn't stay with Selena and I, and he went back to the streets of Gotham. But not without giving me a hug, which, at first, I didn't know what he was doing, because I had never had a hug in my life. Then he disappeared, just like that. I hadn't mentioned Jason at all since then, to Selena or anybody. Besides, I was probably never going to see him again. I had other things to worry about than a 10 year-old boy.

"So what you're saying is that I have to ride the subway every day to and from school," I repeated.

"Yep." Selena was feeding one of her cats yet again.

"Sorry, but I don't want to be riding a subway, in Gotham, with a rich kid outfit on. That's all I'm saying."

"You don't even know what the outfit looks like."

"It'll probably make me look rich, though. I'll attract unwanted attention from weirdos."

"Look. I provide you with all the basic necessities in life. That's it. I'm not your mom. Don't expect me to walk you to school, hand in hand, and blow you kisses as you walk up the steps to your classroom. If you want to go to school so bad, you'll have to do it yourself." With that said, she left the kitchen and went to her room. I proceeded to my room as well.

Yes, I had a room now. Selena was previously using it as a bedroom of sorts for her cats, with beds and everything else you needed for the stray cats around Gotham. With much poking and prodding, I finally persuaded her to let me have the room for myself. Now I had my own mattress -key word: mattress- and a closet that smelled of cat food. But hey, it was better than sleeping on the couch. Recently, I had gone shopping with the money Selena had given me. The closet was now semi-filled with jeans and T-shirts, a few pairs of shorts and jackets, and one pair of tennis shoes and flip-flops. No skirts or dresses. I absolutely hated them. They made me feel like I was helpless, not being able to defend myself.

Sitting on my mattress, I noticed the letter from Gotham Academy sitting on the floor. I picked it up and took out the multiple papers, lining them up in front of me. That was when I noticed that the deadline to pick up my uniform was in two days. I hurriedly got up, the paper still clutched in my hand, and threw on my tennis shoes and a jacket before proceeding outside. I eventually merged with the bustle of people on the sidewalk, heading to the store called Millie's Fashion & Clothing Store, like it said on the paper. It took me about three blocks to realize that I didn't even know where Millie's was, as there were no directions written on the sheet of paper. My eyes scanned the crowd in search of a good person to ask, and eventually found a redheaded girl with blue eyes that looked about my age. She was walking with a man in his late 40's, who I guessed was her father. And they were on the other side of the street. Midday was such a hectic time, and cars were zooming down the street. I didn't see a crosswalk anywhere, so I pushed through the crowd (ignoring a lot of grunts and complains from people) and ran across the street. A car screeched to a halt and honked as I ran in front of it.

"Hey! Watch it!" the driver yelled at me before driving off again.

"Watch it yourself," I muttered as I stepped onto the sidewalk and headed towards the two people. Eventually, I was walking next to them, and I tapped the girl on the shoulder. She was startled at first.

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