Chapter Twenty-Eight

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DISCLAIMER: I, Batgirl, solemnly swear that I own nothing but Vanessa/Catgirl and Hallucination. (Just kidding on the Batgirl part. I'm not Batgirl.)


"I don't even know why I'm here. Zatanna said it herself; I don't belong here," I bitterly said to the Team. They all wanted to have a team 'meeting' of sorts, with me present. It looked more like a party to me, complete with three pans of cookies that Kid Flash already consumed.

"We called you here for a reason," Aqualad stated.

"For what, a clubhouse get-together? I'm the sidekick of Catwoman, for crying out loud! Why are you all even trusting me?"

"Before I say this, you're an excellent fighter. But even if you were to attack all of us, we would take you down pretty quickly," Artemis stated. "That's why we trust you."

"Plus I've got a thing for cats," Kid Flash flirted, and Artemis smacked him on the back of the head.

"Let me ask this again: why was I invited here? I know there's something you all want to talk to me about," I prodded.

"Just tell her already," Superboy stated. He always seemed a bit angry.

"Well, we-" Robin began, but Miss Martian interrupted.

"We want you on the Team!" she said hurriedly, grinning from ear to ear.

"Wait, what?" I asked. This was not good.

"We took a vote, and six out of the seven of us want you in," Robin explained.

"Who was the one who didn't agree?" I queried, and instantly got a reply.

"I was. And I hold to my disagreement," Zatanna stated, piercing me with her icy blue eyes. "I don't think allowing a criminal into the Team is a good idea. The whole Hallucination-thing is a perfect example of that."

"Look. It wasn't my fault that I got kidnapped and was introduced to that creep. And I had no power over myself when I was mind-controlled. Don't you DARE blame me, magician," I growled.

"Fine. Let her in. But I'm telling you...Catgirl is trouble," she said.

"I can hear you, you know." I crossed my arms in front of my chest. Zatanna and I scowled at each other for awhile, before Aqualad cleared his throat.

"So, what will it be?" he asked. Everyone's eyes were on me.

"I'll have to think about it," I said finally. "Can I go now?"

"Um, sure. But don't you want to stay here?" Robin asked, confusion etched on his face. He knew something was up with me. Sighing heavily, I walked over to him and grabbed his arm, dragging him to the other room. "What's up?"

"This isn't a good idea. For more reasons than one. I cannot get close to the Team. I cannot be a member of the Team," I stated, and his confusion doubled.

"Why not? Catgirl, tell me what's going on. You're scaring me."

"If I become part of the Team, I'll lose my home. I live with Catwoman, and she'll kick me out, back on the street. If she knew that I'm even here right now, I would be in serious trouble." The words rushed out of my mouth, before I realized what I said.

"The street? But where are your parents? That night, on the roof of the candy store, you told me you lived with them..."

"Yeah, well, I lied! My parents don't give a damn about me or where I'm at...they never have and they never will!" I yelled. Shock spread across Robin's face, and I turned away from him. "They're long gone."

"I understand. It's hard to lose your parents." I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked at Robin.

"You lost your parents?"

"Yeah, and like I told you, Zatanna did too. Try to forgive her for snapping at you." He was defending her? I pulled away from him and crossed my arms.

"I just need time to think about it. It's a big commitment," I replied.

"Alright. And if you do get kicked can always stay here, at the mountain. Come back in the room when you're ready." Robin turned and started to leave.

"Robin, wait," I stated, and he turned around. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go for it."

"You wouldn't cheat on me, or anything like that, would you?"

"Of course not! Why would you think something like that?"

"Hallucination planted a memory of you telling me that you always liked someone else instead of me. That was why I was so angry at you, when I tried to get my 'revenge'."

"Catgirl, I would never do something like that," Robin stated, but he wasn't looking me in the eyes. Then he gave me a crooked smile and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, but I knew he was lying about not liking someone when he was dating me. And I had a suspicion on who that other someone was.


Well, another short chapter. Will Catgirl choose to join the Team? Will Catgirl and Robin break up? And most importantly...will Catgirl ever find out Robin's identity, and vice versa? You'll have to wait! :P

I'm on spring break for two weeks (finally!), so I'll be writing more.

And I'm sorry to say, but this story is nearing its end. I might cry. :(

But on the bright side, I have an idea for a short story, and an idea for a longer story like this one. So you won't be seeing the last of me! *evil laugh*

Thank you all for your feedback and support! This story is almost at 10,000 reads, and I can't believe it. :)

As, comment, and maybe even follow me?

~~The Bat has left the room~~

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