Chapter Fourteen

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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing except Vanessa Edwards/Catgirl....


I hadn't slept well the past two nights. Even though the plants were stopped two days ago, I still had nightmares about me breaking Poison Ivy out and then being crushed by a falling tree. Because of my lack of sleep, I had trouble staying awake in most of my classes, Math especially.

"Ms. Edwards, math class is not for sleeping." Mr. Morris said, slapping a ruler right next to my ear. My head jerked upward, and the class began to laugh. My face burned with humiliation. Thank God the bell rang at that moment. "Have a nice weekend, class. Remember, no school on Monday!"

I hurriedly gathered my books and was about to head out the door when suddenly I crashed into someone, scattering both of our books all over the place.

"Sorry," I muttered, too busy picking up my books to see who it was.

"It's fine. Here," the person handed me one of my books, and I looked up to see who it was. Of course it had to be Richard Grayson.

"Thanks," I said between clenched teeth, grabbing the Biology book before getting up and joining Artemis in the hallway.

"See you in Acting, Nessie!" I heard him call out as Artemis and I walked away. Soon, Artemis nudged me.

"Looks like somebody's got an admirer," she said with an I-know-everything smirk.

"Who, Grayson?" I looked behind me, but he had disappeared into the sea of kids heading to their next class. "Please. He just likes to annoy me."

"Whatever. See you later." Artemis went up the stairs to her next class.


What Artemis said stuck in my head. Was it possible that Dick liked me? It was unimaginable that we could ever be together. Not that I wanted to be with him.

"So, Nessie." We were in Acting, discussing what our play was going to be about.

"What did I tell you about calling me that?" I stated, annoyed. He completely ignored me and went on.

"I was kinda wondering if you wanted to come over to my place to work on the play. Maybe we can find an idea there." He wasn't looking at me when he said it; instead, he was suddenly fascinated by a loose piece of skin on his thumb.

"Today?" Maybe Artemis was right. Was he trying to ask me out?

"Yeah, after school. I mean, it's okay if you can't."

"Well, I'll have to let," It was weird referring to Selena as my mom. "but, I guess so." He instantly lit up.



"Well, if you take away the 'dis' on disaster, you get 'aster', which is the opposite of 'disaster', therefore making-"

"Okay, okay, I get it."


As soon as I saw the gray Lamborghini drive up at the school, I instantly regretted accepting Dick's invitation. All eyes were on us as we climbed into the car. I glared at a seventh grader gawking before I shut the door. I was pretty sure that the car cost more than all the money I have ever owned added together.

"And who is this, Master Richard?" the older man driving the Lamborghini suddenly said.

"This is Vanessa. Vanessa, meet Alfred, our butler." Dick introduced us.

"Hi," I said dumbly. Of course Bruce Wayne had a butler.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mistress Vanessa." Alfred began driving. I was shocked that he had called me 'mistress'. How did my life get so crazy so fast? We rode in silence for awhile, until we pulled up to some iron gates that swung open as we passed through. And then I saw Wayne Manor for the first time. It was a huge, wide, three-story building with countless windows and a fountain in front of it. We pulled up in the roundabout by the front door, and I was about to open the car door when Alfred appeared on the other side and opened it for me. It took all my will not to keep my mouth open in shock of the luxury of all this. Dick and I got out and walked up to the front door. He was about to open it when it swung open by itself. On the other side was a redheaded guy eating a sandwich, who looked about fifteen and had green eyes.

"Wally! What are you doing here?!" Dick yelled.

"Well, I thought that I would stop and hang with my two favorite things in the world: my best friend and food! But it looks like another of my favorite things in the world has showed up," Wally looked at me with a smile on his face. "Welcome to Wayne Manor, babe," he said, gesturing for me to step inside. I realized that I still had my Gotham Academy uniform on, and I was glad that I always packed a change of clothes in my school bag.

"Um, I'm going to go change." I walked inside and went up the grand staircase, hoping to find a bathroom. Instead, I found a long hallway of doors. Not knowing where a bathroom was, I chose a random door and opened it. Instead of finding a bathroom, I found a room with a big window overlooking the big, grassy backyard. There was a bed neatly made, with a couple of jackets strewn across it, and a nightstand with a framed picture and a pair of sunglasses sitting on it. A red and yellow striped poster hung on the wall, showing six silhouetted people flying through the air. At the top said 'The Flying Graysons' surrounded by stars, with the words 'Haly's Circus' in smaller print at the bottom. So this was Dick's room. I walked over to his nightstand and picked up the picture sitting on it. In the picture, a small black-haired boy with striking blue eyes sat on top of a man's shoulders with the same resemblance as the boy. At the man's side was a woman with dirty blonde hair and the same blue eyes. They were all smiling and looked genuinely happy. Suddenly, I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I wheeled around and there stood Dick, a blank look on his face. "I couldn't find the bathroom and I somehow wound up in here. Sorry," I spat out, setting the picture back on the nightstand. My face flushed, and I bit my lip and started to head out, when Dick suddenly spoke.

"The bathroom's two doors down," he said, still staring at the picture I set down.

"Um, thanks." I started to walk down the hall, but I turned around and looked at Dick again. He looked smaller and younger there, with his hands in his pockets and slightly hunched over. "Sorry," I whispered before continuing to head down the hall.


Ello! This is basically my only free day to post this week. Let's just say that being in high school and having finals for an entire week sucks.

But aside from that, almost 800 reads! Thanks people!

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~~The Bat has left the room~~

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