Chapter Seventeen

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DISCLAIMER: Like I've told you sixteen times before this, I own nothing but Nessie.


When I came to, I thought that I had gone blind, because I couldn't see a thing. But I soon felt the fabric of a cloth wrapped around my eyes, and realized that I was blindfolded. My right eye was throbbing, and was probably getting a bruise around it from the punch. As I reached up to pull the blindfold off, I found that my hands were tied behind my back with a zip tie that cut into my wrists. It didn't help that my hand was cut already from shattering the mirror in the mirror house. Suddenly, my blindfold was ripped off, and my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room that I was in. I was bound to a chair, with my hands and feet tied together as well. My utility belt was also missing. It looked like the inside of a warehouse, with barely anything in it except for two people standing in front of me. Scarecrow and a boy about my age stepped out of the shadows, and suddenly, I felt this...fear sweep across me. The boy was wearing a black mask that covered his entire face, leaving his mouth and eyes exposed. The mask seemed to distort his face, making it look like his head was melting off. Besides that, a dark brown suit covered his body, with tears here and there showing the same material as the mask leaking out. All in all, I was seriously freaked out. The Scarecrow looked like a scarecrow that was left out in a cornfield for centuries, which didn't help my fear level.

"Ah, you're awake. Been out for at least a couple of hours, haven't we?" Scarecrow said to me in the same raspy voice that I heard in the mirror house. I chose to scowl at my bound feet instead of look into the burlap sack pulled across his face. "Catgirl, I presume?"

"Why am I here? What do you want?" I whispered, my eye throbbing along to the beating of my heart. THA-THUD. THA-THUD. THA-THUD.

"We need your help in answering some questions, sweetie," the boy said. I gritted my teeth.

"Of course. Nobody these days kidnaps somebody just for a pizza party," I muttered.

"Hallucination, fetch the TV," Scarecrow ordered the boy. Hallucination went to the side of the room, where a small TV was sitting on a stand with wheels attached. He rolled it over, and soon it was positioned in front of me. The screen turned on, showing only static at first, but soon switched to a grainy video. The video was soundless, and depicted nothing at first, but then a group of people rushed past, too fast to be recognized. "Rewind." Hallucination did as he was told, and the video rewound until the group was seen again. "Pause." The screen paused, and the group filled the screen. There were seven people, some that I recognized: Kid Flash, a green girl, Aqualad, a boy wearing a shirt with the Superman logo on it, a black-haired girl dressed like a magician, Robin, and a girl dressed in green with long blonde hair. Wait, was that Artemis? I gasped, and instantly regretted it.

"Do you know these people?" Hallucination asked me, crossing his arms.


"Then why did you gasp?"

"My eye hurts. The pain made me gasp. Plus, you know, my hand's all cut up."

"You're lying!" Suddenly, his hand flew out and hit me across the face. I winced, the side of my face burning.

"I'm not. I have no idea who they are!"

"We need you to cooperate. It's very important to the next step of our plan," Scarecrow stated. "Now, we'll try this again. Who are these people?"

"Like I'll ever tell you," I spat. "Wait, aren't you supposed to tell me what the 'plan' is? Isn't that what villains do to the people they capture?"

"In time. Well, if you're not going to talk, then we'll make you talk," Scarecrow said.


"Like this." Suddenly, he lifted up his wrist and a gas of some sort shot out. I coughed for a moment, my eyes watering, and when my eyes cleared and I could breath easier, my eyes opened. Everything was blurry, like I was about to pass out. But...I didn't feel like it.

"Wh-what did you give me?" I suddenly got the chills, and Scarecrow and Hallucination transformed into a man and a woman that looked fairly like me. The woman was smoking a cigarette, and the man was counting money. With astonishment, I realized that these people must be my parents. But why were they here? HOW were they here? "Mom? Dad?" They looked at me, and their faces twisted in disgust.

"Who are YOU?" my mom asked.

"It's me! Your daughter!"

"Honey, let's go. This street filth will try to steal our money," my father stated, pocketing the money.

"Agreed." Mom then turned away.

"Wait! Don't leave! WAIT!" I cried out. My mom just took her cigarette and threw it on the floor, where it caught on fire and the whole building burst into flames. Suddenly, the flames were gone, and Catwoman, Artemis, Batman, Richard, and Robin were standing in front of me.

"I never should have let you live with me. You're nothing but trouble," Catwoman growled, then vanished.

"To think that I befriended a criminal. You can't trust anybody these days," Artemis scoffed and turned away before vanishing as well.

"I have no choice but to turn you into the police now. Time for you to go back to the orphanage," Batman disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"Of all the girls that I could've liked, I ended up choosing you, who has done NOTHING but lie to me about her past. Thanks for nothing, Nessie." Richard faded out into nothing, until it was just Robin standing there. He stared at me for awhile, disappointment etched onto his face, then turned around and walked away without saying a word until disappearing entirely.

"No...this can't be! COME BACK!" I started screaming then, losing my mind as the world around me spun into blackness. And I was in the warehouse again, tied to the chair with Scarecrow and Hallucination and the TV.

"Ah, nothing like seeing what people's fears are." Scarecrow then pointed to the screen.

"Now, why don't we cooperate and tell who these people are. If you don't, then you get more Fear Gas. Capice?" Fear Gas. Of course. For at least an hour, I was doused in the stuff, not saying a word. Or maybe I did. Reality and illusion blurred together until there was nothing there, and I eventually passed out, my fear of abandonment too much to handle.


Top o' the morning!

1,000 reads!! I honestly didn't think that this story would become this popular, so thank you all!

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~~The Bat has left the room~~

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