Chapter Twenty-Six

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DISCLAIMER: Nessie and Hallucination. Those two people are the only elements that I own out of this entire story. That's it.


I slowly opened my eyes. My head was heavy, and I felt...different. Like I wasn't myself anymore. Getting up, I looked around and saw that I was in the same alleyway that I passed out in.

"Hello, Catgirl. We meet again." I whirled around and faced Hallucination. He was wearing his mask again, but I wasn't afraid. In fact, I knew that he was meant to be the ruler of everything. And that I was entitled to help him achieve that status.

"Indeed we do," I replied. "How did you break out of Juvie?"

"There were no adults all of a sudden, and I took that opportunity and ran with it. Now, we have business to attend to, don't we?" Hallucination smirked at me, and I raised an eyebrow.


"Of course. Destroying the Team of sidekicks. Have you forgot?"

"I...guess I did." I was confused. Why had I not remembered Hallucination's order? He was the supreme ruler, after all.

"Perfectly understandable. When I found you, you were unconscious. But you do know how to get both of us into Mount Justice, don't you?"

"Yep. How should I take each member down? The un-powered sidekicks shouldn't be a problem, but I have no clue when it comes to the rest."

"Let's see...we'll have to defeat two at a time. I'll take the Martian first, then Superboy, and then Kid Flash. You take Aqualad, Zatanna, Artemis, and Robin." When Hallucination said Robin, it triggered something inside me. But I couldn't pinpoint what that 'something' was, although it felt like I was being pulled out of a dream and into reality. Hallucination looked at me, then shook his head.

"What?" I asked him.

"You don't remember, do you?"

"Remember what?"

"Robin loves another, the magician. That was what caused you to fall unconscious; you couldn't handle the pain." Hallucination's words caused a memory to rise to the surface, although it didn't seem real. Maybe that was the denial kicking in. None the less, tears formed in my eyes, and I could literally feel my heart ripping in half. "There, there. You didn't actually think it would last, did you? He's a hero, you're a villain. Heroes belong with heroes, villains belong with villains. And I'm always here for you, you know that?"

"Yes, I do." I blinked back the tears and was soon filled with rage. "He needs to pay for hurting me."

"That's the Catgirl that I know. Shall we?" We walked to the telephone booth, and it scanned me. As it was scanning Hallucination, I allowed him access, and we were soon in the mountain. The whole Team was there, and their eyes grew wide when they saw us.

"Nice clubhouse you've established, Bird Boy. Mind if we join?" Hallucination asked Robin. He looked at me with confusion etched onto his face. How dare he look at me that way! He's just getting what's coming to him. Miss Martian fell to the floor immediately; I guessed Hallucination had gotten into her head and flipped the off switch, so to speak. Superboy immediately charged Hallucination, but I didn't get to see what happened next, as I threw a smoke pellet onto the ground and charged at Aqualad. A swift kick in the stomach and an uppercut to the jaw and he was out. The smoke cleared, and I saw Hallucination fighting Zatanna.

"You really should work on your 'magic' some more. It's pretty pathetic," Hallucination taunted.

"Sdnah sih dnib!" she shouted, and a rope appeared around Hallucination's hands.

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