Chapter Eleven

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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. For the eleventh time.


Secretly, I hoped that I would see Robin again. Just to apologize for socking him in the eye. And I would, but not in the way I pictured it. A week after my first day at the Academy, I came home from school to find Selena sitting at the dining table, her cell-phone to her ear. I wondered who she was talking to, since I had known her as not being the social type. She looked irritated, so I steered clear of her, going to my room to change and then headed to the couch to do my homework. But I couldn't help hearing her end of the conversation.

"Look, you know I'm not good with people. Yes, yes, I know that she's heartbroken over that clown, but that doesn't mean that she still has to hold on to him." She sighed, a loud, annoyed one. "You two are, like, best friends. Why can't you, um, 'comfort' her?" Selena paused for a moment. "Wait, you're calling from JAIL? What'd you do this time? Oh, a vegetable garden. Figures. Look, maybe I could break you out. No, not with her. I don't work with others." She glanced at me. "Fine. But if she says anything about Joker, then I'm leaving. Okay. See you tonight." Selena hung up and then set the phone down on the table.

"Who was that?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Nobody. Look, I'm not going to be home tonight," she stated.

"And where are you going to be? At the jail, breaking one of your friends out?"

"Yep. And you need to create a distraction." I wasn't liking where this was going.

"Um...what kind of distraction?" I asked. My homework, a set of linear equations I had to graph out, laid forgotten beside me.

"You're going to have to break into a store and get caught."

"WHAT?!" I exploded then, standing abruptly and dropping my pencil. It rolled on the floor, until a cat found it and decided it was a toy. "I can't do that!" I thought of police surrounding me, handcuffed, and one of them leading me into a car with the Juvenile Delinquent Center in sights.

"You can do that or you can go live on the streets again," Selena stated. Her green eyes were staring at me, and I felt like I was going to start throwing things. Instead, I picked up my school papers and walked to my room, trying to contain my anger and rage. When I closed my door, I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes. How embarrassing. I began to silently cry, willing myself to stop, but I couldn't. Through blurry eyes, I walked to my closet and pulled out the well-hidden box sitting in the corner. Inside was my Catsuit. I took out my black mask and stared at it. Was I really starting to live a double life?


So that was how I wound up on the top of Mr. Sweet's Candy store. Catwoman was somewhere on the other side of town doing a break-out, while I was left with stealing candy. It wasn't my idea; in fact, it was Catwoman's friend, who came over before they left. Of course she had to be friends with Harley Quinn. Heck, they were probably breaking Poison Ivy out now. My stomach was full of monster butterflies as I crawled through the air duct. What if the police showed up instead, and I got dragged away to Juvy? I pushed that out of my mind and focused on getting out of the air duct. Finally finding a grate, I dropped down and landed on the counter, where a large scale and the register sat. Normal criminals would head for the register, but my eyes trailed to the candy around the shop. I had never had a piece of candy, which is a sad thing, but you can live without it. As I reached out for a barrel of little triangles in orange, yellow, and white, my mind wandered to the past, to one of my foster homes...

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