Chapter Nine

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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing, just ask my cat. She'll tell you.


I let out a sigh of relief as I stepped onto the subway a second before the doors closed. Now I knew why I never rode subways. In the last fifteen minutes, I had received creepy stares from creepy people, had to put in my $2.50 twice, and gotten my bag caught in the turnstile. Plus just barely making the subway. Now, as I stood surrounded by people who looked like they didn't even have a penny to spare, I tugged on my skirt, willing it to be longer than it was. I wore shorts under it, but that didn't help the fact that I felt completely defenseless and stupid in the dark blue material. My eyes scanned the crowd of people around me and, to my surprise, found another girl wearing the same thing as me. She had long blond hair tied back in a ponytail, and she looked both Vietnamese and Caucasian. Her eyes were dark grey, and I could see annoyance swimming in them. Seeing that an old man with no teeth was smiling and staring at me, I walked over to the girl to get away from him. She had noticed me now, and was staring at me with an expression I couldn't describe.

"You going to Gotham Academy, too?" I asked.

"Yep. Hating the skirt already," she said to me, looking at the toothless man who was still smiling and staring.

"As am I," I stated. That was all I said, for I remembered the promise to not trust anyone ever again. I intended to keep it.

"So...what should I expect from the school?" the girl asked me.

"Um, I don't really know. I'm new this year," I replied. She looked confused for a minute, but realization soon replaced it.

"...You don't happen to be the other scholarship person this year, do you?" she asked me.

"Yeah. Wait, are you the other one?"

"I guess so. Why're you riding the subway?"

"No car. You?"

"Mom can't drive."

"Oh." The subway then announced Gotham Park, which was the closest stop to the school. We both got up, along with a few other people and the toothless old man. The girl and I began walking in the direction of the school, and the man followed us. Okay, this was seriously starting to freak me out. I glanced over at the girl, and it looked like she noticed him too. Making up my mind, I turned around and punched him in the face. He stumbled back and then ran away. The girl next to me smirked.

"I like you already," she stated. I smirked back, and we continued walking.


In the couple of blocks to the school, I learned that the girl was named Artemis, and that she was fifteen and going into tenth grade. Plus we had a couple of classes together. Since my GPA was what it was, the Academy put me in tenth grade math, literacy, and biology, all in the same class as Artemis. I had no idea why they put me into advanced biology, because I didn't know the slightest thing about it. I was just glad that I had classes with the only person I knew at this school. When we walked through the doors, we immediately attracted stares. Students started whispering as Artemis and I walked past them, heading to the main courtyard where the majority of students were. Artemis fiddled with her skirt some more, and I looked around. Most of the people around me were huddled in groups, talking and laughing. Normal people, with normal lives.

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