Chapter Twenty-Nine

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DISCLAIMER: Vanessa Edwards and Hallucination. Those are my two characters. Nothing else belongs to me. If it did, then I would include Scarecrow and Catwoman in Young Justice.

Thanks goes out to wally_west345 for giving me an idea without even realizing it. :)


Artemis was sick. That meant that she wasn't at school. It also meant that her desk was empty in Math. And guess who took that opportunity and leapt for it?

"Mind if I sit here today?" Dick asked. Sometimes I wished we had assigned seats in times like these.

"Go for it," I stated, focusing on getting my books out of my bag.

"Good morning, class. Did you all enjoy your weekend?" Mr. Morris walked into the classroom carrying a thermos of what I guessed was coffee. Even teachers hated Mondays. There were mumbled responses, everyone too tired to care. "Alright then. Get out your books and turn to page 394. When you have, get with a partner of your choice. You are to complete the assignment about the quadratic formula and ways to find the value of x." People began partnering up, and in spite of myself, I looked directly at Dick. He smirked, and I rolled my eyes. He was about to say something when a pretty blonde girl walked up to Dick.

"Hey, so I was wondering if, um, you want to partner up with me? We could multitask and discuss your party. It's coming up, isn't it?" she asked Dick, flashing a Barbie-like smile. I think her name was Darian or something like that. Forming my hand in the shape of a gun, I pretended to shoot myself in the head and opened my book. She pretended not to see me, although I knew she did.

"Look, I've already asked someone to the dance, and I have no more invites. Sorry," Dick replied, glaring at her. An embarrassed blush formed on her face, and she went to go sit with another blonde girl, but not before glaring at me. Dick then turned back to me. "Partners?"

"Um, sure," was all I could say. He had asked someone else? Who was it? "I'm pretty sure she hates me now," I joked, trying to ignore the feeling of defeat in my stomach. No, I was not getting jealous or sad because he had not invited me. Or was I?

"Almost every person in this school hates me, so you're not alone."

"Why's that?"

"Because I'm out of invites now." He then reached into his bag and pulled out the fanciest envelope I had ever seen, even fancier than the one I got from the Academy. Then he gave it to me. I took it and stared at the wax seal (yes, actual real, red wax) for a little while, my brain not processing what had just happened. "You can open it now if you want to."

"Okay," I replied. That was the stupidest response ever, but I began opening the invitation regardless. Inside was a card made from parchment paper that read, 'You have been invited to the Winter Ball, held every year at Wayne Manor' in elegant cursive. It went on stating that it was a formal occasion and that you could not bring anybody else without an invitation. I felt something on the back of it, though, and pulled off a blue sticky note. Scrawled in Dick's neat handwriting (that I was secretly jealous of) were the words 'Nessie, will you be my date for the ball?'. I looked up from the card and note to find two beautiful blue eyes full of hope staring at me. I tried not to smile, but failed. "Why wouldn't I accept? Of course!" Dick beamed, and I grinned back. Okay, so maybe I had developed a little crush. But it was a little one. Nothing else.

"There are times for discussing the Winter Ball, Ms. Edwards and Mr. Grayson. However, math class is not one of them," Mr. Morris stated. Everyone turned to face us, and my face heated up.

"Right. Sorry, sir," Dick stated, and we began working on our assignment. My mind, however, was not focusing on memorizing the quadratic formula. Since I was going to a party as Dick's date, I had to talk to Robin about our relationship. Or better yet, Zatanna.


I arrived at Mt. Justice, hoping to find Robin there. Instead of finding him, I found Miss Martian, Superboy, and Zatanna in the kitchen. Miss M was taking cookies out of the oven, Zatanna was decorating them with magic of some sort, and Superboy was storming out with egg in his hair. They didn't seem to see me, so I cleared my throat and both of the girls turned to look at me.

"Catgirl! What are you doing here?" Miss M asked.

"Yeah, what ARE you doing here?" Zatanna stated, glaring at me.

"I was hoping that Robin was going to be here. I need to talk to him. But since he's not here, you'll do just fine," I told Zatanna.

"You two can talk in here. I'm going to go help Conner get the egg out of his hair," Miss Martian said. She walked out with a washrag in her hands.

"What do you want?" Zatanna questioned when we were alone.

"I want to know why you hate me so much."

"For starters, you're Catwoman's sidekick. She's been known for brainwashing guys just for their money. I don't want Robin getting hurt."

"I'm not Catwoman. What makes you think I would hurt him?"

"You almost hurt him when Hallucination showed up."

"That is an entirely different situation. I care about Robin. And he cares about me."

"Really? Then why does he never mention you when he's talking to the Team?"

"Because...because..." I couldn't answer her question. "Forget about that. He's my boyfriend, so stay away from him."

"You two are dating?"

"Well, yeah. We have been for more than a month."

"It sure doesn't seem like it," Zatanna stated, smirking. Miss Martian suddenly walked in with Conner, and Zatanna and I grew silent.

"So, Catgirl. Have you made up your mind on if you're going to join the Team?" Miss M asked.

"I still have to tell Catwoman," I replied.

"You haven't told her yet?" Conner asked.

"Well, no. Because I know what her answer will be. She'll say that I can join, but I won't be allowed to live with her anymore. So if I do join, then I'll be living here."

"Where are your parents? Aren't you supposed to live with them?"

"I don't know where my parents are, and I honestly don't care."

"You ran away from home, didn't you?" Zatanna suddenly said. "That's a selfish thing to do, you know. Some of us don't have parents, and we would bend head over heels to have parents."

"You think I ran away? My parents were the ones who ran away from ME. Look, I know you lost your dad to Doctor Fate recently, but at least you grew up with him. I grew up with no one except the other orphans at the worst orphanage ever. And, just this summer, the streets of Gotham." The three teens' eyes widened at my statement. I just realized that I was shaking, and I took a few breaths to calm myself down before continuing. "Zatanna, all I'm asking is for you to put some distance between you and Robin. If he does break up with me for whatever reason, I'm probably going to go insane. Because he's the only person that has cared about me my entire life." With that being said, I walked back to the Zeta Beam and went back to Gotham. In no time at all, I was fast asleep on my mattress in Selena's apartment, praying that I would not lose the Boy Wonder to Zatanna.



Sorry, had to get that out of the way.

I know I said that I would be writing more because I'm on Spring Break, but I've been busy taking Driver's Ed (yay!) and haven't had any good ideas. So if you have ideas for this, don't be afraid to comment or message me! I'll probably use them, and if I do, I'll give credit to you....

Wow, over 10,000 reads on this story. I am SO whelmed right now. I know I say this every chapter, but thank you all for your support!! It makes my day when people say that this is the best fanfic that they've read, that they want to see more, etc. :)


~~The Bat has left the room~~

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