Chapter Twenty

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DISCLAIMER: I own nothing but Nessie and Hallucination forever and always...


I had to blink a few times before I could see clearly. The room I was in looked like a medical room, with me strapped to a bed. Literally. My hands and feet were bound to the bed, and I struggled and struggled but couldn't get the metal cuffs off of my ankles and wrists. Then I noticed the IV sticking out of my arm. Did I almost die of dehydration? Where was I? I was still wearing my Catsuit, and I could feel that my mask was still on. My hand was bandaged as well. Suddenly, the only door in the room swooshed open, and Batman came in. It felt like my heart jumped up to my throat.

"How are you doing?" Batman asked me.

"Never been better," I said, sarcasm dripping from every word. "What happened? Where am I?" I struggled some more with the cuffs, but to no avail.

"You're at the Team's headquarters, in the medical room. You also suffered from severe dehydration while with Scarecrow, along with Fear Gas exposure, and some bumps and bruises. But nothing too major," Batman explained.

"How long was I there?"

"Today is October 19th." Oh my God. I was 14 now. I had spent my 14th birthday being held hostage by the Scarecrow.

"I need to sit up," I stated. The cuffs released me, and I immediately sat up and jumped out of bed, tugging the IV out of my arm with a grunt. As soon as my feet hit the floor, they gave out on me, and I fell to the floor. They weren't paralyzed, as I could move my legs and feet. Batman calmly walked over to me, picked me up, and set me back on the bed.

"Vanessa, you need to stay in bed. You're still recovering from not drinking water for two days," Batman stated. Wait. Did he just call me...Vanessa?

"...What did you just call me?" My stomach knotted up. My worst fears were being realized. He knew. Batman knew. I was going to go back to the orphanage now...maybe even to Juvy. I had helped steal a diamond after all...

"Catgirl. Calm down. You're having a panic attack," Batman told me calmly.

"But-but you called me by my real name..." I trailed off, suddenly feeling dizzy.

"No, I didn't." Batman stared at me with a curious expression on his face. Then I looked past him, and saw them. My parents. And they were walking out the door.

"Mom! Dad! Don't leave! Come back!" I screamed, trying once more to stand up, but to no avail. Now crawling on the floor, I realized that I couldn't reach them in time, and collapsed. I curled into a ball and began to sob, my shoulders shaking with every breath. So Scarecrow wasn't bluffing after all. He really had created a Fear Gas that lasted forever.


Eventually, I drifted off to sleep, due to the morphine I was given to calm me down. But when I woke up, the IV was back in my arm and there was another person in the room with me. This time it wasn't Batman, but his sidekick.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Robin, still groggy from the morphine. He smirked at me.

"Well, this is kind of where the Team spends most of their free time, so..." His smile quickly changed to a look of concern. "How are you holding up?

"Well, I'm alive," I admitted. "I-I'm sorry that I had to put the Team through that."

"YOU'RE sorry?" Robin laughed then, but it wasn't a happy laugh. " I should be the one apologizing. If I had just checked back in the mirror house instead of just assuming that you had gone home, none of this would've happened." Suddenly, Robin vanished, and I was in Selena's apartment, laying on the couch. I couldn't move, and I saw the many cats approaching me. One of them, a grey cat with no tail, sat on my stomach and stared at me. Then she took a bite out of my arm. I let out a terrified scream, and then more cats jumped on the couch and began to do the same. Trying to get them off, I thrashed around but still couldn't lift up an arm to defend myself. I was being eaten alive. Then the cats disappeared, and I was back in the medical room, with Robin holding my face in both hands and repeating my name over and over again. My heart was hammering, and I realized that the flesh-eating cats never existed.

"I'm going insane. Doesn't Batman have an antidote for this?" I asked, trembling.

"He's already given you two doses of it. The antidote's not working." Robin paused, then took his gloved hands away from my cheeks. "Do you know what Scarecrow gave you?"

"He-he told me he had invented a Fear Gas that lasted forever," I told him. Instantly, he paled, and then wrapped me in his arms. For some reason, I let him. After Scarecrow kidnapped me, I realized that I had an abandonment fear, whether I put it in the light or not. Right now, all I wanted was for Robin to stay with me, and never leave. And so, when he released me, I put my lips to his. Robin immediately kissed me back, and all my fears vanished in an instant. He wouldn't leave. Everything was going to be alright.


I FINALLY got to the romance part of the story. lol

So you know the grey cat with no tail? I based her off of my own cat, who is also grey and has no tail. But don't worry, she was born without a tail. c:

First off, I'm EXTREMELY sorry about the long wait. I started school again this week and have had lots of homework and stuff to do. >_

I'll probably have to limit my updating to about once a week, maybe more, maybe less. Sorry.

But thank you all again for staying with me! ALMOST 2,000 READS!!

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~~The Bat has left the room~~

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