Chapter Twenty-Seven

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DISCLAIMER: Nessie and Hallucination. That's all I own.


"So, I was thinking..." Dick stated, trailing off and looking at me. We were in Acting, and our deadline to submit our idea for the One Act was in two days. Honestly, I was ready to do anything at this point, even if it was the rock cycle.

"That's dangerous," I replied, smirking. He rolled his eyes, but wore a smile nonetheless.

"I'm serious! I think I found an idea for the play. If you like it. We don't have to, I'm just throwing it out there, but we're getting desperate and I was reading about it and-" he rambled on, and I held out a hand, silencing him.

"It would help if I knew what the idea was," I stated.

"Oh, right," he chuckled. "Well, maybe we could do something Shakespearean, only a modern-day version of it."

"What play were you thinking of?" I asked. Somehow, I knew what he was going to say. Sure enough...

"Romeo and Juliet. But if you don't want to perform it, that's fine, I mean, I completely understand if it would be awkward. I just thought..." he continued, and I tuned him out to think about it. I doubted that we would find another idea in two days, and as long as it didn't involve any kissing or anything else like that, I would be fine. "Nessie? What do you think?" He looked so...hopeful. I bit my lip before replying.

"Fine. Fine, we'll perform it. But no lovey-dovey scenes, or so help me, you will have to have a blood transfusion. Got it?"

"Got it...maybe we can go to my house after school? So I can show you the Shakespeare book and get some of the props ready?" he grinned. Suddenly, the bell rang, and I started to get my stuff together for gym.

"Yeah, sure. I'll meet you at your locker?"

"Sounds asterous. See you later, Nessie!" With that, Dick ran off to his Spanish class, and I started walking to gym, wondering why I had agreed to the play topic.


A hop, skip, and limo ride later (yes, a limo), I was once again at Wayne Manor. I noticed an old stationwagon parked in the roundabout, and I was guessing it wasn't Mr. Wayne's because, well, it was a station wagon.

"Wonder who that is..." Dick stated. He obviously didn't know who it belonged to either, and we went inside the giant doors and started straight to the library. On our way, though, we passed by the ballroom and saw Bruce Wayne talking to a middle-aged man. He was furiously scrawling on a notepad as Bruce pointed to certain spots in the room and talking. He stopped as soon as he saw us standing in the doorway, then walked over to us.

"I see that you're home, and that you've brought a guest," he stated to Dick. "Vanessa, I presume?"

"Um, yeah. Nice to meet you, Mr. Wayne." He put out his hand, and I shook it.

"Please, call me Bruce."

"What's going on? Who is that man?" Dick asked, his eyes wandering over to the man.

"This is Mr. Anderson. He's going to be designing the decorations and such for the Winter Ball," Bruce explained.

"I totally forgot that he was coming over today! When's the party going to be?" Dick asked.

"Mid-December, I'm thinking. Probably the Friday night before Winter Break starts for you both," Bruce stated.

"Cool. C'mon, Nessie. Let's not keep them busy," Dick told me, then walked out with me at his heels.

"Winter Ball?" I queried.

"Yeah, Bruce has one every year. It's been called the party of the year many times. But you have to be invited by either Bruce or I in order to come."

"So basically wealthy people?"

"Not necessarily. Bruce can invite as many people as he wants, but he's limited me to five invites, one of them being my date. Which means I'm going to get REALLY popular as the party approaches."

"Have you decided yet on who those five are going to be?"

"Well, Wally and Babs for sure. And Roy, another good friend of mine. Probably Artemis too, but I might change my mind about any one of them."

"And the fifth?"

"The fifth is going to be my date."

"Who's that?"

"Whatever girl catches my eye in the next few weeks." Dick then looked at me with a crooked smile, and I blushed. Wait, did I just blush? Vanessa, quit being stupid! I was with Robin; I couldn't fall for another guy, Richard Grayson to say the least.

"Let's just go to the library now," I stated, and walked ahead of him, all the while trying to get rid of the red tint that was on my cheeks.


Hey people! This chapter was short...sorry. I didn't really know how to make it longer.

But thank you all for helping this story reach over 8,000 reads! I feel so lucky to be the author of a story that is successful. :)

Vote, comment, and follow me if you want!

~~The Bat has left the room~~

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