Chapter Twelve

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DISCLAIMER: Nothing. I will forever own nothing.


"Ok, class. It's time for the biggest project of the year! Now remember, this project will be due at the end of the semester, and it'll count towards 65% of your grade, so you'd best do well on it. Now, you may be wondering to yourself, what are we even going to be doing?" Mr. Jordan paused, probably intending for what he said to be hilarious. There was no laughing, only somebody smacking their gum. Acting class was fun, or so I thought. What was this project going to be? Please not a five-page essay, I silently prayed. "Each of you will be performing a two-person scene, minimum of six pages, and will be required to perform it with a complete set and costumes." As soon as he said "two-person scene", people immediately began whispering, probably deciding who they were going to be with. I would probably be paired up with the last person to not have a partner, which didn't thrill me at all. But then Mr. Jordan cleared his throat loudly, the signal for everyone to be quiet. "Sorry class, but I paired all of you with a random person. That way no one gets left out." I heard the class groan, but I was actually thrilled. For once, I wasn't going to be left out!

"Alright, let's find out who our partner is going to be! Let's see...Clarissa will be with Alexandra, Sandy with...Elena, Keyla with Scotty, Richard with Vanessa..." As soon as Mr. Jordan said that, my stomach dropped, and not in the good way. The teacher finished calling out names, and let us get with our partners to discuss plans. As Dick walked over, I glared at him.

"Don't be mad at me! I had nothing to do with this," he said. "But I am looking forward to getting to know you better, Nessie." He smiled, and I immediately stood and got in his face.

"If we're going to work together, there has to be certain conditions. First, let's make it clear that I'm anything BUT thrilled to be working with you. Second, stay out of my way. Just because we got paired together doesn't make us instant friends. And third, do not call me 'Nessie'. Got it, Grayson?" I growled, pointing a finger at him. I sat down again, and he relaxed, then pulled up a chair and rested his arms on my desk.

"Understood. Now before we start work, here." He pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something on it, then tore off the section with writing, folded it, and gave it to me.

"What's this?" I asked, looking at the folded paper.

"My number." I stared at him, and he blushed. "So that we can make plans about the scene," he added in a hurry. I glanced at him before putting the paper in my bag without a second thought about it.


Later that day, as I walked into the gymnastics room, I saw that it was huge, but I was no longer surprised at the size. Almost everything at this school was big and expensive.

"Vanessa! You finally made it!" Barbara said, walking up to me. She was already wearing her unitard, and if I had to wear that, all hell would break loose. "I thought you weren't going to show up."

"I almost didn't. Got a little held up in Acting." Dick had found the gymnastics flyer in my bag, and had pestered me with questions until I grudgingly told him that I was joining. He had offered to show me some moves, but I turned him down. I had already gotten paired up with him for a huge project. I did not need the former circus boy to show me how to do a proper handstand.

"Yeah, Dick can get carried away easily."

"How'd you know about that?" I asked, trying to remember when I told her about the Acting project.

"There are these things called cell phones, you know." Barbara smirked at me, and I smirked back. Maybe gymnastics wasn't going to be that bad.


This story is almost at 400 reads, and I am about ready to jump over the moon in happiness. Thank you all!

I had SWB (Severe Writer's Block) for a long time, but I've finally cleared it up! Unfortunately, this is my only day for the rest of the week to post, because I have four choir concerts in a row all this week. So I'm not abandoning this story, I promise you!

Vote, comment, and follow people. :D

P.S. I changed the cover, and yes, Catgirl is custom. You like?

~~The Bat has left the room~~

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