Chapter Eight

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DISCLAIMER: Catgirl/Vanessa Edwards is the ONLY thing I own. Nothing else.


One week from today was my first day at Gotham Academy. I had grown fond of putting on my Catsuit (as I called it) and jumping from rooftop to rooftop, looking down at all the people down below at night. Wearing the suit made me feel like a different person, which I had wished I was ever since I can remember. My eyes scanned the narrow alley beneath me, and I saw three men surrounding a girl. Then, what do you know, I saw Robin, on a fire escape, watching them. I knew that he was going to try to save the girl, but something told me to go save her first. So I did. Climbing down the fire escape, which had now become as usual as a flight of stairs for me, I made no sound. Robin didn't see me, or at least I didn't think he did. Then I jumped off the metal railing and landed on one of the guys, the biggest one, knocking him to the ground.

"I really hate guys like you," I smirked, then kicked him in the face. The kick broke his nose, which was now at an odd angle and made him look like a parrot. My guard was let down for a moment, though, and another guy smashed me in the head with a shovel. The blow knocked me to the ground, and I think he would've hit me again if Robin hadn't pinned him to the wall with some of his bat-a-rangs, or bird-a-rangs in his case.

"You must love me, then," Robin smirked at me. Mumbling words that I learned off the street, I got up and roundhouse kicked the third guy in the head.

"Not necessarily," I replied. Now that the guys were taken care of, the girl was just standing there, bewildered by what she had just seen. I scowled at her, and she took off running.

"So, you're a hero now?" Robin asked me.

"Again, not necessarily." I proceeded to climb the fire escape, wanting to get away from the raven-haired acrobat. "If I had been in her shoes, I would want help. You wouldn't understand how hard it is for a girl to be living in Gotham."

"You're just like Catwoman! Walking the line between hero and villain," he yelled up at me. I was now standing on the roof, staring down at him. I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, when I heard the sound of a grappling gun being fired. Great, now he was following me. I turned around, and he was standing about ten feet away from me.

"Don't you have anywhere else to be? Like fighting Two Face or something?" I crossed my arms over my chest and scowled at him. Right now, all I wanted was to go back to the apartment and lay down, because my head was now throbbing from the shovel hit. Robin just shrugged.

"Slow night," he smiled, and it took every ounce of my will not to smile back.

"Just leave me alone, and I'll do the same to you. Okay?" I turned around and started walking, and when Robin put a hand on my shoulder, I spun around and socked him in the eye. He stumbled back, clearly not expecting for that to happen, and clutched his eye. I guessed that it was already starting to swell, since I couldn't see behind his mask. Smirking, I walked to the edge of the roof. I looked back at Robin, who was still cradling his left eye, and winked before jumping off the roof.


**The girl was running. It was night, around 1 a.m. Behind her, a two-story building stood, all the windows dark. She had dark brown, almost black, hair that reached her shoulder blades. Her eyes were chocolate-brown, and had a strange intensity swimming in them. On her back was a backpack, filled with food, water, and a map of Gotham. Suddenly, she was surrounded by police, their blue and red lights blinding her. Determined to escape, she ducked into an alleyway and the lights vanished. Her eyes adjusted to sudden darkness, and she took in her surroundings. The girl was in a school, filled with kids all wearing the same outfit. She looked down and found that she was wearing the same thing. BEEP BEEP BEEP. The air then abruptly filled with the sound of high, shrill beeping. BEEP BEEP BEEP. She covered her ears in pain, not knowing what the sound was. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP...**


My eyes opened and, just like my dream, all I could hear was that stupid beeping. I looked to my right and found my alarm. Realization hit me, and I hit the top of it. The beeping subsided to my relief. I looked at the digital numbers and found them to read 6:00am. Today was my first day at Gotham Academy, and all I wanted to do was fall back asleep. But I had to get up or I would miss the subway that left at 7:15. With much grumbling and complaining to no one in particular, I trudged to the kitchen to get some cereal. Sitting on the counter was $2.50, which I guessed Selena had left there for subway admission. I got the cereal out and a bowl and poured some in the bowl. Then I got out one of the many cartons of milk and poured it in my bowl. My ears were now filled with the sound of meowing, and I grudgingly got out another bowl, filled it, and set it down on the floor, where about six cats immediately started drinking. Rolling my eyes at the cats, I picked up my own cereal and went to sit at the table. Eating in silence, I thought about the day ahead of me. The skirt I would have to wear kept popping in my head, and each time I grimaced at it. This was going to be a long day.


So sorry for the wait!! Halloween and Art assignments kept me busy. And thank you to all that have read, commented, etc. my story! Seriously, almost 100 reads? How lucky am I?

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~~The Bat has left the room~~

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