Chapter Thirty-One

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DISCLAIMER: Just for you all's info, I put in a disclaimer saying that I own nothing but my two OCs because I don't want to get in trouble.

And BTW, I would HIGHLY recommend putting on the music that is playing in this will make the story ten times better. :)


Friday, the night of the Winter Ball, finally arrived, and I was completely torn in half. Deep down, I knew it wasn't fair to Robin that I was going as Dick's date. But Robin liked Zatanna while he was in a relationship with me, so I was just returning the favor. Wait, no. I did not like Dick Grayson. Did I?

"Nessie? You okay?" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts to find that it was Artemis who called me Nessie, not Dick. She smirked, and I blushed.

"I knew it! You SO like Grayson," she stated.

"Oh, shut up!" I muttered, and Artemis laughed. We had finally arrived at Wayne Manor, and let me tell you, it was called the party of the year for a reason. The manor had been decorated in white and blue, with a dash of gold lights here and there. My dress fit perfectly to the theme, and Artemis' did too. Hers was a glittery green, reaching to her knees, with spaghetti straps and a gold necklace to top it off. I had gotten her, with much complaining, to wear her hair down instead of up in its usual ponytail. My hair was slightly put up and curled, but nothing too fancy. "I don't know if I should be here."

"Why not?"

"I feel like I'm cheating on Robin," I stated quietly, looking at the ground. Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I looked up at Artemis.

"You and Dick aren't going out or anything. Just tell Robin that you went as friends," Artemis advised. After thinking about it, I nodded, and we walked to the door. Selena had long gone in, after driving us in what I guessed was a stolen car. There were more people than I thought there would be. But then again, I had never been to a party like this, let alone a party. Alfred opened the door, seeming to sense our presence. He smiled at us.

"I was expecting you two to show up. Miss Edwards and Ms. Crock, yes? Richard has been talking about both of you all day and night," the butler said, then let us pass him and enter the mansion. I heard the song 'Between The Raindrops' by Lifehouse playing, and was greeted by hundreds of people dressed up in elegant suits and dresses.

"As Robin often says, stay whelmed. We'll find people we know soon," Artemis reassured me. Wait, Robin didn't say whelmed...did he? I've only heard Dick say it. Interrupted out of my thoughts, I was greeted by Wally, who rushed up to us and immediately stopped when he saw Artemis.

"Artemis! What are you doing here?!" Wally exclaimed. He was in a black tuxedo, with a yellow tie that morphed into orange.

"Why don't I ask you the same question, Baywatch?" Artemis countered. Then it clicked. There was only one person Artemis called Baywatch, and that was Kid Flash. I excused myself from the bickering between them and started walking away from them, wanting to clear my head. There was nobody here that I knew, and I soon became lost in the sea of people. Stumbling to the stairs, where there were fewer people, I sat down on a step and tried to not focus on the revelation of Kid Flash. Then I saw him. At first I didn't believe it, but I knew that it was him. He was dressed in a suit and a green bow tie, matching his eyes. His hair had also been cut shorter than the rat's nest that I was used to. And he looked out of place. What was he doing here? Without even thinking about it, I got up and walked over to him.

"Jason?" I asked as I got near to him. He looked over at me, then broke out in a grin.

"Vanessa!" he cried out, and hugged me. We broke apart.

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